Israel’s allies and complicity in genocide

(1) “US, UK, others ‘complicit’ in what amounts to ‘genocide’ in Gaza — MSF” TRT World 5.4.2024

(2) “‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence” The Guardian 20.3.2024

(3) “Who were the World Central Kitchen workers killed in Israel’s strike in Gaza?” CNN 4.4.2024

(4) “Biden presses Netanyahu for steps to protect civilians in Gaza: White House” Al Jazeera 4.4.2024

(5) “Israel to ‘temporarily’ reopen north Gaza crossing for aid after Biden call” Al Jazeera 5.4.2024

(6) “U.N. official says Israel systematically impeding Gaza aid distribution” CBS News 18.4.2024

(7) “Israel gave no evidence UNRWA staff linked to ‘terrorism’: Colonna report” Al Jazeera 22.4.2024

(8) “US vetoes UN resolution for Palestinian statehood in favour of never-ending negotiations” Middle East Monitor 19.4.2024

(9) “US does not believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza: Defence chief” Middle East Monitor 9.4.2024

(10) “House okays $17 billion in military aid for Israel under major spending package” The Times of Israel 20.4.2024

(11) “US House approves aid package worth billions for Ukraine, Israel” Al Jazeera 20.4.2024

(12) “Sunak urged to publish legal advice over claims government lawyers think Israel is breaking international law” The Independent 31.3.2024

(13) “UK will not suspend arms exports to Israel, David Cameron says” The Guardian 9.4.2024

(14) “Former supreme court judges say UK arming Israel breaches international law” The Guardian 3.4.2024

(15) “UK Judges’ and Lawyers’ Open Letter Concerning Gaza” 3.4.2024

(16) “UK civil servants overseeing arms sales to Israel demand to ‘cease work immediately'” Middle East Eye 5.4.2024

(17) “‘None of our closest allies have stopped’: Rishi Sunak defends decision not to suspend arms sales to Israel” LBC 10.4.2024

(18) “Nicaragua to ICJ: End Germany’s support of Israeli ‘genocide’ in Gaza” Al Jazeera 8.4.2024

(19) “Germany responds to Nicaragua’s accusation that it encouraged Israel to commit Gaza genocide” Middle East Monitor 6.4.2024

(20) “German civil servants demand ‘immediate’ end to Israeli arms supplies” Al Jazeera 7.4.2024

(21) “Macron’s rift with diplomats deepens after missteps on Israel-Hamas war” Politico 22.11.2023

(22) “French Foreign Minister Rebuked for Suggesting Israel Is Immune From Genocide Charges” Common Dreams 18.1.2024

(23) “France under pressure to suspend military sales to Israel as war in Gaza grinds on” France 24 22.2.2024

(24) “French, German arms sales to Israel hit by legal action” Politico 12.4.2024

(25) “France to prosecute French-Israeli soldiers committing war crimes in Gaza” The New Arab 30.3.2024

(26) “Netanyahu’s office hosts emergency talks on feared ICC warrants for PM, ministers” The Times of Israel 19.4.2024

(27) “War on Gaza: History tells Sunak and Cameron they can safely ignore the ICJ” Middle East Eye 10.4.2024

(28) “President Macron says France and its allies ‘could have stopped’ the 1994 Rwanda genocide” AP News 4.4.2024

UN resolution regarding climate justice

The United Nations has adopted a historic resolution that should make it easier to hold polluting countries legally accountable when they fail to tackle the climate emergency. The resolution was co-sponsored by more than 120 countries, including the UK, but not the USA.

Read the full story on The Guardian:

Worrying news about British police forces

During recent months there have been a lot of worrying news about British police forces. Recent report about the Metropolitan Police stated that it is “broken and rotten, suffering collapsing public trust and is guilty of institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia” (1). There have been some disturbing cases where a police officer has used his position to prey on women. Metropolitan police officer Wayne Couzens abducted, raped and murdered Sarah Everard in March 2021 (2). Elite Metropolitan police officer David Garrick carried out 85 serious offences, including 48 rapes, against women over a period of 17 years (3). According to data from the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) more than 1,500 police officers have been accused of violent offences against women and girls over a period of six months, between October 2021 and April 2022, but less than 1% of those have been sacked (4). Data from the the Police Federation, the staff association for police officers, revealed that approximately one in 100 police officers in England and Wales faced criminal charges, including for sexual offences, last year. The number of officers facing criminal charges has skyrocketed by 590% since 2012. (5)


1) “Met police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic” The Guardian 21.3.2023

2) “Police ‘could have saved Sarah Everard,’ says victim – as killer cop Wayne Couzens sentenced for flashing” LBC 6.3.2023

3) “Elite Metropolitan police officer David Carrick revealed as serial rapist” The Guardian 16.1.2023

4) “More than 1,500 UK police officers accused of violence against women in six months” The Guardian 14.3.2023

5) “Revealed: one in 100 police officers in England and Wales faced a criminal charge last year” The Guardian 25.2.2023

“Hostile” and “authoritarian” United Kingdom

United Kingdom has been downgraded in an annual global index of civic freedoms because of the government’s “increasingly authoritarian” drive to impose restrictive and punitive laws on public protests. According to Civicus Monitor, British government has created a “hostile environment” towards campaigners, charities and other civil society bodies. Stephanie Draper, chief executive of the Bond charity, said, “The UK is becoming increasingly authoritarian and is among concerning company in the Civicus Monitor ratings as restrictive laws and dangerous rhetoric are creating a hostile environment towards civil society in the UK.”

Read the full story on The Guardian:

International Day to Combat Islamophobia

Today is International Day to Combat Islamophobia. As we have seen in the news, Islamophobia is a major problem around the world. Some of the more recent examples of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bias have been the “pogrom” carried out by Israeli settlers in the Palestinian town of Huwara last month and the suggestion by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich that Huwara should be “wiped out” (1, 2). Sweden caused uproar in January when it gave far-right activist Rasmus Paludan permission to burn Quran. However, Sweden didn’t give permission to burn Torah, the holy book of Judaism. (3, 4) Controversial French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo seems to use every opportunity to insult Muslims – example of this was a cartoon mocking victims of the disastrous earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria (5).

Big Tech has had important role in spreading Islamophobia and anti-Muslim content. Last year Amnesty International published a report where it claimed that Facebook’s algorithms “proactively amplified” anti-Rohingya content and that Facebook’s parent company Meta “substantially contributed” to human rights violations perpetrated against Rohingya ethnic group in Myanmar (6). Report published by Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) in Australia stated last year that nearly 86% of anti-Muslim posts on Twitter come from the USA, United Kingdom and India. The report noted that Twitter is “drastically failing at removing anti-Muslim content”. (7)

More information about the International Day to Combat Islamophobia:


1) “Settler extremists are sowing terror, Huwara riot was a ‘pogrom,’ top general says” The Times of Israel 28.2.2023

2) “Far-right Israeli minister Smotrich claims his ‘wipe out Hawara’ comment was not a military order” The New Arab 9.3.2023

3) “‘Over 1.5 billion Muslims hurt’: Reaction to Quran desecration in Sweden” TRT World 21.1.2023

4) “Man prevented from desecrating Torah outside Israeli embassy in Sweden despite Quran burning incidents” The New Arab 28.1.2023

5) “The banality of evil: Charlie Hebdo mocks Türkiye quake victims” TRT World 7.2.2023ürkiye-quake-victims-65266

6) “Meta’s Facebook Algorithms ‘Proactively’ Promoted Violence Against the Rohingya, New Amnesty International Report Asserts” Time 28.9.2022

7) “Majority of anti-Muslim Twitter posts come from US, UK and India” Middle East Eye 19.9.2022

Political humor in Brexit Britain

Brexit, COVID-19 pandemic, cost of living crisis as well as political decisions and antics of the hardline Conservative governments have created a “perfect storm”, and the frustration of British people have been seen in various polls. According to YouGov poll in November last year, only 32% of the public said that it was right to vote to leave the EU and 56% said that it was wrong to leave (1). According to latest YouGov poll regarding voting intention, 47% of voters would vote Labour and only 25% of voters would vote the ruling Conservatives (2). According to research published in November last year, trust in politicians is “in free fall”. 66% of British voters believe that “politicians are only out for themselves” and only 4% of the public believe that politicians are “doing their best for the country”. (3)

The chaotic years have inspired some hilarious and surreal political humor, such as art created by Cold War Steve (4, 5) and Duke Smoochem, a dystopian game created by Dan Douglas (6). Last year a 60 pence lettuce rose to world fame after it lasted longer than Prime Minister Liz Truss who became the shortest-serving PM in British history. (7, 8)


1) “One in five who voted for Brexit now think it was the wrong decision” YouGov 17.11.2022

2) YouGov UK voting intention 8.3.2023

3) “Revealed: trust in politicians ‘in free fall’ after ‘year of chaos’, poll reveals” IPPR 3.11.2022

4) “The art of Cold War Steve” The Guardian 15.6.2019

5) “Cold War Steve: satire is my antidote to a scary world” The Guardian 15.6.2019

6) “‘Keir Starmer just ordered an alpaca airstrike!’ The game that holds up a dystopian mirror to the UK” The Guardian 8.3.2023

7) “Daily Star lettuce celebrates victory as Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns” Daily Star 20.10.2022

8) “Lettuce rejoice: inside story of Daily Star iceberg’s triumph over Liz Truss” The Guardian 21.10.2022

Trump’s “deal of the century”

On Tuesday, President Trump unveiled his Middle East plan, also dubbed as “deal of the century”, with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (1). As expected, this blatantly biased plan didn’t get many glowing reviews. Here are some examples of the reactions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 28.1.2020 (2):

“It’s a great plan for Israel.  It’s a great plan for peace.  Frankly, Mr. President, given all that you have already done for Israel, I’m not surprised.  You have been the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House.”

“Your historic decisions to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights; to reaffirm Israel’s legal claims in Judea and Samaria; to stand up to Iran; to pull out of that dangerous Iran deal; to confront — “confront” is not the word — to eliminate Qasem Soleimani — to support and encourage unbelievable cooperation between Israel and the United States in the military and strategic and intelligence fields — all this bear testament to the friendship and depth of your leadership and commitment to Israel.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 29.1.2020 (3):

“No peace plan is perfect but this has the merit of a two state solution. It is a two state solution. It would ensure that Jerusalem is both the capital of Israel and of the Palestinian people.”

EU High representative Josep Borrell 28.1.2020 (4):

“The European Union will study and assess the proposals put forward. This will be done on the basis of the EU’s established position and its firm and united commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution that takes into account the legitimate aspirations of both the Palestinians and the Israelis, respecting all relevant UN resolutions and internationally agreed parameters.

UN Secretary-General, note to correspondents 28.1.2020 (5):

“The Secretary-General has seen the announcement of the United States plan for the Middle East. The position of the United Nations on the two-State solution has been defined, throughout the years, by relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions by which the Secretariat is bound.
The United Nations remains committed to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements and realizing the vision of two States – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders, on the basis of the pre-1967 lines.”

UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk 31.1.2020 (6):

“The Trump plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a lopsided proposal entirely in favour of one side to the conflict.”

“What the Trump plan offers is a one and a half state solution. This Potemkin state – lacking most of the commonly understood attributes of sovereignty beyond the right to fly its flag and issue stamps – would become an entirely new entity in the annals of modern political science.”

“This is not a recipe for a just and durable peace but rather endorses the creation of a 21st century Bantustan in the Middle East. The Palestinian statelet envisioned by the American plan would be scattered archipelagos of non-contiguous territory completely surrounded by Israel, with no external borders, no control over its airspace, no right to a military to defend its security, no geographic basis for a viable economy, no freedom of movement and with no ability to complain to international judicial forums against Israel or the United States.”

Turkey’s National Security Council (MGK) 30.1.2020 (7):

“The U.S.’ so-called peace plan aims to legitimize occupation, destruction and oppression of Palestine.”

“The only solution is the establishment of an independent Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

The Arab League, part of statement 1.2.2020 (8):

“(The Arab League) rejects the US-Israeli ‘deal of the century’ considering that it does not meet the minimum rights and aspirations of Palestinian people.”

The Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit 1.2.2020 (9):

“The plan leads to a status that amounts to a one-state situation that comprises two classes of citizens, that is apartheid, in which the Palestinians will be second-class citizens, deprived of the basic rights of citizenship.”

“(The U.S. proposal) does not bring about stability or build peace, but sows the seeds for another 100 years of conflict and suffering.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, regarding cutting all ties with USA and Israel 1.2.2020 (10):

“We’ve informed the Israeli side … that there will be no relations at all with them and the United States including security ties.”

“I will never accept this solution. I will not have it recorded in my history that I have sold Jerusalem.”


1) “This is what Donald Trump’s Middle East plan looks like” Al Jazeera 28.1.2020

2) “Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of the State of Israel in Joint Statements” White House 28.1.2020

3) “Boris Johnson praises Donald Trump’s plan for peace in the Middle East as he hits out at Jeremy Corbyn for being ‘characteristically negative’ about the blueprint” Daily Mail 29.1.2020

4) “EU responds to Trump’s Middle East peace plan” 29.1.2020

5) “Note to correspondents: In respond to questions on the Middle East” United Nations Secretary-General 28.1.2020

6) “Israel / OPT: UN expert alarmed by ‘lopsided’ Trump plan, says will entrench occupation” United Nations OHCHR 31.1.2020

7) “Trump’s Mideast plan aims to legitimize destruction of Palestine: Turkey’s National Security Council” Daily Sabah 30.1.2020

8) “Arab League rejects Trump’s Middle East plan” Al Jazeera 1.2.2020

9) “Trump’s Mideast plan amounts to ‘apartheid’, Arab League says” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

10) “Palestine cuts all ties with Israel and US” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

Germany bans neo-Nazi group Combat 18

Germany has banned neo-Nazi group Combat 18 as “significant danger to society.” Combat 18 was formed in the United Kingdom in the 1990s.

Read the full story on

The hardline American-Israeli alliance

The situation in USA and Israel, and now also in Britain, is quite extraordinary. USA and Britain have been seen as strong, some might say leading democracies, but the recent developments are worrying. As the right-wing parties in all these three countries have been veering more and more to the right, there are signs that the traditional parliamentary democracy and the rule of law are not respected, anymore. Trump has campaigned right from the beginning against the traditional American political system and “elite.” Nigel Farage, friend of Trump, regular guest on Fox News and leader of the far-right Brexit party, has repeatedly talked about the need for a “revolution.” (1, 2, 3) In the election manifesto of the British Conservative Party there is a mention:

“After Brexit we also need to look at the broader aspects of our constitution: the relationship between the Government, Parliament and the courts; the functioning of the Royal Prerogative; the role of the House of Lords; and access to justice for ordinary people.” (4, page 48)

Many political decisions seem to favor industrialists and other super-rich, for example tax cuts introduced by President Trump, his climate change denial and changes to environmental legislation (5, 6, 7, 8). In Britain, the Conservative party is now dependent on ultra-rich pro-Brexit donors (9). Xenophobia, racism and all kinds of hate crimes have increased significantly (10, 11). Where is this all leading to? Is there a possibility that we will see emergence of a new political regime, or “empire”, that is some sort of combination of laissez-faire capitalism and fascism ? A far-right plutocracy?

The first casualty has probably been the truth. The right-wing populist leaders in these countries – and elsewhere – are a new breed, not only do they make false claims and promises but they also do it without shame. Alastair Campbell, who worked as director of communications for Tony Blair, said that President Trump, Prime Minister Johnson and others like them have shown that we have moved from post-truth to post-shame (12). Also, the current political leaders of all these three countries – President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Johnson – are facing possible trial because of their dubious activities (13, 14, 15).

Here are more of my novice observations of the situation in each of the three countries. First, USA. One of the key slogans Donald Trump used during his first presidential campaign was, “Drain the swamp!” Trump promised to clean Washington from old political elite and make the American government “honest once again” (1). However, President Trump has surrounded himself with far-right figures and politicians with connections to anti-Muslim and other hate groups (16, 17, 18, 19). He has also hired super-rich and corporate lobbyists, he even has rewarded some of his billionaire supporters by giving them role as ambassadors – in Gordon Sondland’s case, that didn’t turn out to be such a wise decision, as we have seen during the impeachment hearings. Trump claimed that the impeachment inquiry is “an attempted coup” (20, 21, 22, 23, 24). Another Trump’s slogan has been, “America first” (25). During Trump’s presidency, USA has decided to leave international organizations and agreements, for example UNESCO, Palestinian aid organization UNRWA and the Paris climate agreement (26, 27, 28). Furthermore, Trump has now attacked World Trade Organization WTO and forced it’s top court to shut down (29, 30, 31). Trump also criticized World Bank for loaning money to China (32). During his interview last summer, Trump said that the EU is a competitor and therefore “a foe” just like Russia and China (33). Trump is arguably the most pro-Israel president USA has ever had. During Israeli American Council national summit last week, Trump declared that he is Israel’s best friend in the White House (34). Trump has made several political decisions that were favorable to Israel, including the decision to leave UNICEF and UNRWA. Trump has also recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and he transferred US Embassy there. Trump also said that the occupied Golan Heights belong to Israel (35, 36). Prime Minister Netanyahu revealed that he talked about American-Israeli mutual defense pact and annexation of Jordan Valley with Secretary of State Pompeo during their recent meeting in Lisbon, Portugal – curiously enough, USA denied this (37).

Benjamin Netanyahu has become the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Israel. He has cooperated with right-wing populists and far right in Israel and elsewhere – in Europe, Brazil and with Trump. (38, 39, 40) Former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that Netanyahu used “Machiavellian” tactics in order to “play” Trump (41). Netanyahu’s political campaigns have also caused controversy. Facebook suspended Netanyahu’s campaign page briefly in September because of an inflammatory message regarding Arabs (42). Netanyahu has vowed to annex the Jordan Valley and rest of the West Bank, if he will be able to continue as prime minister. However, the recent elections in Israel have been a very tight race and Netanyahu hasn’t been able to form a government (37). After Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced criminal charges against him, last month, Netanyahu accused the judiciary, the police and others of attempted “coup.” During protests, Netanyahu’s supporters called him “the king of Israel.” (43, 44)

In a way, the dramatic and worrying developments in the American-Israeli alliance can be seen particularly well in Britain, where Boris Johnson’s carefully choreographed rise to power, his controversial decision to prorogue the parliament and his aggressive populistic rhetoric have started a new era in British politics. (45, 46, 47) Some of the key traits of Boris Johnson are his casual, populistic hatemongering and his complete untrustworthiness. Johnson has become infamous for his offensive and inflammatory comments about women, EU, EU citizens, ethnic minorities, Muslims and many others (48, 49, 50, 51). However, he has said in interviews that he is strongly pro-Israel and “passionate Zionist” (52). Lord Cooper, who worked for former PM David Cameron, described Johnson like this (53):

“The rottenness of Boris Johnson goes deeper even than his casual racism and his equally casual courting of fascism. He will advocate literally anything to play to the crowd of the moment. His career is a saga of moral emptiness and lies; pathetic, weak and needy; the opposite of strong.”

Peter Oborne and a group of other journalists have started a facts check website regarding Johnson’s lies. Oborne wrote yesterday that Johnson’s Conservatives are “a revolutionary sect” (54, 55). Alexandra Hall Hall, lead envoy for Brexit in the British Embassy in USA, resigned last week. In her letter of resignation she wrote (56):

“I have been increasingly dismayed by the way in which our political leaders have tried to deliver Brexit, with reluctance to address honestly, even with our own citizens, the challenges and trade-offs which Brexit involves; the use of misleading or disingenuous arguments about the implications of the various options before us; and some behaviour towards our institutions, which, were it happening in another country, we would almost certainly as diplomats have received instructions to register our concern”.

“It makes our job to promote democracy and the rule of law that much harder, if we are not seen to be upholding these core values at home.”

“I am also at a stage in life where I would prefer to do something more rewarding with my time, than peddle half-truths on behalf of a government I do not trust.”

Also Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland and key ally of the Conservative Party, said on Monday that Johnson had betrayed their trust (57).

President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Johnson will have to fight for their political survival in the coming days. Johnson will be the first one to face the test during the general election today. Just like during the Conservative leadership race in the summer, Johnson has tried to avoid too much scrunity by refusing to take part to some televised debates and interviews (58, 59). Johnson, Trump and Netanyahu also seem to have wanted to avoid each other. Johnson and Trump were not planning to have a formal meeting during recent NATO summit in London. However, they met at 10 Downing Street (60, 61). Prime Minister Netanyahu was planning to travel to the NATO summit, but that trip was cancelled due to “logistical problems.” Netanyahu met Secretary of State Pompeo in Lisbon, instead. (62, 63) When Trump spoke to the Israeli American Council, last weekend, he didn’t mention Netanyahu (64).


1) “Here’s what Trump means when he says ‘drain the swamp’ – even though it’s not an accurate metaphor” Business Insider 12.11.2016

2) “Farage hired by Fox News as a political analyst” BBC 20.1.2017

3) “General election Brexit Party policies: Farage launched ‘political revolution for ordinary people'” Sky News 22.11.2019

4) “Get Brexit Done – Unleash Britain’s Potential” Conservative party election manifesto 2019

5) “Here’s who is saving the most money from Trump’s tax cuts” CNBC 23.9.2019

6) “Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time” The Guardian 9.10.2019

7) “As Trump Administration Downplays Warming, Agencies Chronicle Climate Impacts” Scientific American 9.10.2019

8) “85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump” The New York Times 12.9.2019

9) “The Tory party is so dependent on big money it now represents only a tiny elite” The Guardian 9.12.2019

10) “Hate crime violence in US hit 16-year high in 2018: FBI” Al Jazeera 14.11.2019

11) “Hate crimes double in five years in England and Wales” The Guardian 15.10.2019

12) “From Trump to Boris Johnson, we’re moving from post-truth to post-shame” The Guardian 15.7.2019

13) “Trump impeachment: Democrats unveil formal charges” BBC 10.12.2019

14) “Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu will be indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust” CNN 22.11.2019

15) “Anger as police decision on Boris Johnson’s Jennifer Arcuri scandal is ‘shelved’ until after election” i news 10.11.2019

16) “Anti-Muslim” (hate groups) Southern Poverty Law Center

17) “The Alt-Right’s Love Affair With Trump Is Over. Here’s Why.” Vice 9.7.2019

18) “Here are the extremist figures going to the White House social media summit” Media Matters 9.7.2019

19) “Stephen Miller: why is Trump’s white nationalist aide untouchable?” The Guardian 4.12.2019

20) “Trump and His Cabinet Net Worth” The Balance 13.3.2019

21) “Trump says he’s draining the swamp as he fills Cabinet with ex-lobbyists” CBS News 20.7.2019

22) “Trump’s Ambassadors Are Uniquely Unqualified. The Ukraine Scandal Proves It” Mother Jones 14.11.2019

23) “Republicans Turn Up Heat on Gordon Sondland in Impeachment Hearing” Time 10.12.2019

24) “Donald Trump has claimed multiple times that he’s the victim of an attempted coup” Newsweek 2.10.2019

25) “Trump hammers home ‘America First’ ideology at UN” Politico 24.9.2019

26) “US and Israel formally quit UNESCO” Al Jazeera 1.1.2019

27) “In one move, Trump eliminated US funding for UNRWA and the US role as Mideast peacemaker” Brookings 7.9.2018

28) “Is the United States Really Leaving the Paris Climate Agreement?” Foreign Policy 5.11.2019

29) “Trump vs. the WTO” Axios 10.12.2019

30) “WTO chief: ‘Months’ needed to fix disputes body” BBC 10.12.2019

31) “UK’s post-Brexit trade at risk as WTO’s top court shuts down” The Guardian 11.12.2019

32) “Trump calls for World Bank to stop loaning to China” Reuters 7.12.2019

33) “Trump: EU is one of United States’ biggest foes” Politico 19.4.2019

34) “Trump dubs himself Israel’s ‘best pal’ in White House” Daily Sabah 8.12.2019

35) “The controversial US Jerusalem embassy opening, explained” Vox 16.5.2018

36) “Golan Heights: Trump signs order recognizing occupied area as Israeli” BBC 25.3.2019

37) “Netanyahu rebuffs US State Department denial he discussed annexation with Pompeo” The Times of Israel 8.12.2019

38) “Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Israel’s longest-serving leader” BBC 20.7.2019

39) “At home and abroad, Netanyahu faces backlash for far-right alliance” Reuters 24.2.2019

40) “Benjamin Netanyahu, best friend of the far right” Le Monde Diplomatique 13.9.2019

41) “Tillerson says Netanyahu skillfully ‘played’ Trump using misinformation” The Times of Israel 19.9.2019

42) “Netanyahu’s Facebook page suspended over hate speech” Independent 12.9.2019

43) “Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel PM defiant in face of ‘coup'” BBC 22.11.2019

44) “In Tel Aviv, Netanyahu die-hards stage an ominous display of fear and anger” The Times of Israel 27.11.2019

45) “ANALYSIS: If Boris Johnson is so popular, why are his handlers hiding him away?” PoliticsHome 31.7.2019

46) Margulies, Ben: “Understanding Boris Johnson’s appeal: performative rebelliousness, impishness, and indiscipline” LSE British Politics and Policy 1.8.2019

47) “Boris Johnson seeks to divide and conquer with his incendiary rhetoric” The Guardian 29.9.2019

48) “Boris Johnson branded ‘chauvinist’ and ‘racist’ after comments from old book resurface” Independent 24.9.2019

49) “Boris Johnson’s racist insults, dog whitles and slurs” New Statesman 12.6.2019

50) “15 of the worst things Boris Johnson has said about leaders or other countries” Independent 24.7.2019

51) “Campaigners attack Boris Johnson for EU nationals remarks” The Guardian 9.12.2019

52) “A ‘passionate Zionist'” Jerusalem Post 25.7.2019

53) “‘Morally empty’ Johnson is courting fascism, says peer as Tory crisis mounts” The Guardian 12.8.2018

54) The lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations of Boris Johnson and his government

55) “Boris Johnson wants to destroy the Britain I love. I cannot vote Conservative” The Guardian 11.12.2019

56) “Top British diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall quits with searing Brexit critique” CNN 7.12.2019

57) “Arlene Foster accuses PM of breaking his word over Brexit deal” The Guardian 9.12.2019

58) “Tories threaten Channel 4 after ice sculpture takes PM’s place in debate” The Guardian 28.11.2019

59) “Boris Johnson pulls out of another BBC interview on day before election” Independent 11.12.2019

60) “Boris Johnson avoids meeting with Trump during NATO gathering” NBC News 3.12.2019

61) “Donald Trump enjoyed meeting with Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street” Evening Standard 4.12.2019

62) “Netanyahu’s London trip to meet Pompeo said nixed after veto from UK officials” The Times of Israel 2.12.2019

63) “Netanyahu: US redeployment in Syria places Israel in better position” Israel Hayom 4.12.2019

64) “Three’s a crowd: 6 things to know for December 8” The Times of Israel 8.12.2019