Far-right conspiracy theories about the Notre Dame Cathedral fire

The devastating fire of iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has made headlines everywhere and created vast amount of far-right conspiracy theories. The wild conspiracy theories started to circulate immediately.

In order to get more information about the fire, Fox News reporter Shepard Smith interviewed controversial French pro-Israel right-wing politician, media critic, conspiracy theorist and Islamophobe Philippe Karsenty (1, 2). After Smith asked about the fire, Karsenty said that the fire was “like a French 9/11.” Karsenty continued by saying that French churches have been desecrated every week during the past year and said that “the story of the politically correct, the political correctness which will tell you it (i.e. fire of Notre Dame) is probably an accident.” Smith interrupted the interview. (3, 4, 5)

Prominent counter-jihadists were quick to spread claims about Muslim reactions and involvement in the fire. Pamela Geller quoted a source claiming that Notre Dame inferno was “intentionally set” and she wrote on her blog that the fire is “emblematic of the decline and demise of Christianity and Judeo-Christian culture in Europe.” (6, 7) Robert Spencer claimed that Muslims “laughed” and “celebrated” the fire of Notre Dame (8). Breitbart News and Frank Gaffney Jr. used the fire as an opportunity to take swipe at Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Gaffney said that the destruction of Notre Dame is “a particular assault on Christianity” and he found it strange that even before the fire was out, it was said that the fire wasn’t “a deliberate attack.” (9) Fake CNN Twitter account claimed that the fire was caused by terrorism (4).

Alice Weidel, leader of Germany’s far-right party Alternative for Germany AfD claimed that the fire is linked to rising “intolerance”against Christians in Europe (10). Just like Pamela Geller, British far-right figure Katie Hopkins told about a rumor that the fire was intentionally set. Hopkins also wrote on Twitter:

“Jewish and Christian Parisians have been warning a long time. They are being hunted out of their city by Islamists, fleeing in their thousands. They are hounded from their former home. ‘Paris is lost.'” (11)

American far-right media personality Glenn Beck suggested that Islamists may have started the fire (12). British far-right media personality Paul Joseph Watson Tweeted that one worker claimed that “the blaze was deliberately set.” White supremacist Richard Spencer hoped that the fire would “spur the white man into action.” Perhaps the most bizarre conspiracy theories have claimed that the fire was an attempt to “burn evidence” of “ritual sacrifice of children.” (5)

A partner organization of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe has found an increase in attacks on churches in France, this year, but there is no indication that Notre Dame had been targeted (10). If you look at the most recent published hate crime statistics regarding France, the overall amount of hate crimes recorded by police seemed to be smaller in 2017 compared to year 2016. The most significant motive of hate crimes seemed to be racism and xenophobia, followed by bias against sexual orientation, antisemitism and bias against Muslims. The amount of reported attacks on Christian properties seemed to be smaller than in 2016. (13)

While the fire of Notre Dame has dominated the headlines in mainstream media, another fire has hardly been noticed. A small fire broke out in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam, on the same evening. Luckily the fire brigade of the Islamic Waqf was able to put out the fire quickly. (14) The cause of the fire is thought to have been an accident. When the office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told about the fire in the mosque, it also added that “the Presidency confirmed its solidarity and sympathy with our friends in France” over the fire of Notre Dame (15).


1) Information about Philippe Karsenty on Powerbase


2) “French ‘bulldog’ politician Karsenty doubles down on al-Dura video fight” Jewish Telegraphic Agency 12.12.2012


3) Fox News reporter Shepard Smith interviews Philippe Karsenty YouTube 15.4.2019


4) “The cause of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire remains unknown. Everything else is a rumor” USA Today 16.4.2019


5) “Within Minutes Of Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, Conspiracies Reigned” Huffington Post 15.4.2019


6) Pamela Geller on Twitter 15.4.2019


7) “Notre Dame ‘Emblematic’ Of Christianity’s Decline In Europe” Geller Report 16.4.2019


8) “‘Allah est grand’: Muslims laugh, celebrate as blaze destroys Notre Dame cathedral during Holy Week” Jihad Watch 15.4.2019


9) Interview of Frank J. Gaffney Jr. on Breitbart News Daily 17.4.2019


10) “Germany’s AfD claims Notre-Dame fire linked to anti-Christian attacks” The Local (Germany) 16.4.2019


11) Katie Hopkins on Twitter


12) Comment of Glenn Beck on indy100.com 16.4.2019


13) OSCE ODIHR Hate Crime Reporting


14) “Al Aqsa mosque catches fire same time as Notre Dame cathedral” Gulf News 16.4.2019


15) “Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque struck by fire on SAME night Notre Dame burns” The Express 17.4.2019


Israel’s cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right

The Guardian reported today that antisemitism has been rising sharply in Europe. According to French historian Marc Knobel, during the past two decades the amount of antisemitic attacks has risen whenever there have been tensions in the Middle East. He said that “rather than attacking Israelis, people went for Jews.” Frédéric Potier of the French government’s anti-racism and antisemitism body Dilcrah said that more traditional forms of antisemitism are also starting to re-emerge and it is due to “the resurgence of a virulent, far-right identity politics.” (1)

However, Israel has also been building cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right for years. Nick Cohen reported in the British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle in 2011 that Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, talked 20 minutes with Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right party the National Front (now the National Rally). Later on Prosor claimed that he hadn’t realized who he talked to. According to Cohen, no one in France or Israel believed the official explanation. Cohen continued:

“…it is safe to assume that elements within the Israeli right are toying with the idea of doing business with elements within the European far right. They reason that, because fascistic or ultra-nationalist movements have turned their hatred from Jews to Muslims, they are now partners they can embrace.” (2)

Danny Shek, Israel’s former ambassador to France, said in 2012:

“What worries me as a Jew and as an Israeli is that more and more Jews find her (i.e. Marine Le Pen) appealing. There is a growing popularity for the primitive formula, ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.” (3)

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had close relationship with Hungary’s right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban in spite of Orban’s aggressive political campaign against Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros and in spite of the fact that Orban has also praised Miklos Horthy who was ruler of Hungary and Nazi collaborator during World War II. When Orban visited Israel last summer, Netanyahu called him “true friend of Israel.” (4, 5)

Even though Israel does not officially accept right-wing extremists as guests, Netanyahu’s Likud Party has received several European far-right visitors. For example, Italy’s post-fascist leader Gianfranco Fini visited Israel at the beginning of 2000s. Matteo Salvini, current Italian Interior Minister and federal secretary of the far-right party Northern League, visited Israel in 2016. (4) Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party FPÖ and current Vice-Chancellor of Austria, has visited Israel several times during recent years (6, 7).

Human rights groups have protested against sale of Israeli weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia Azov Battalion. Israel has also expressed strong support for Germany’s far-right party Alternative for Germany AfD. (4) Rafi Eitan, former Israeli minister and Mossad spymaster, sent a video message to AfD:

“We all in Israel appreciate your attitude towards Judaism… I’m sure that if you work wisely, strongly and, most important, realistically … that instead of ‘Alternative for Germany,’ you might become an alternative for all of Europe.”

According to Israeli media reports, Eitan also wrote in German a message on his personal Facebook page:

“…the Muslim world and its culture are very different from those of the West. Anywhere there are Muslims today, in any European country, one can expect violence and terror because of these differences.” (8)

Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo believed in their article last year that Israel has been operating with European right-wing populists and far-right leaders in order to find ways to pressure Europe and the European Union, because European countries have criticized Israel’s actions against Palestinians and, more recently, Israel’s decision to accept the Nation State Law. Baroud and Rubeo wrote:

“The Israeli government seems intent on weakening Europe by investing in existing divisions and offering political validation to groups that, until recently, were on the political fringes.

It hopes that a divided Europe will be more easily controlled and coaxed back into Israel’s loyalty camp.

It remains to be seen whether Israel’s embrace of far-right, neo-Nazi and fascist Europe will pay off, the way its government hopes for, or whether it would backfire…” (4)


1) “Antisemitism rising sharply across Europe, latest figures show” The Guardian 15.2.2019


2) “Ambassador, how you spoil us” The Jewish Chronicle 23.11.2011


3) “Marine Le Pen: Don’t French Jews get it?” The Jewish Chronicle 26.4.2012


4) “An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right” Al Jazeera 17.7.2018


5) “Netanyahu greets Hungary’s Orban as ‘true friend of Israel’” AP News 19.7.2018


6) “Far-right Austrian leader visits Israel’s Holocaust memorial” Reuters 12.4.2016


7) “Austrian far-right leader sympathetic to Israel on Jerusalem recognition” The Times of Israel 11.12.2017


8) “Ex-Israeli spymaster, who helped capture Adolf Eichmann, releases video in support of German far-right party” The Washington Post 3.2.2018


Lessons from Weimar

Germany’s government marked the centenary of the Weimar Republic and Germany’s first democratic constitution, yesterday. At its time, the Weimar Constitution was very liberal and progressive, but it also had some fatal flaws that helped Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “every generation must once again struggle for democracy.” She added that present-day Europe has drawn lessons from Weimar and the “terrible” Nazi era. Stephan Harbarth, the vice-president of Germany’s top court, said:

“The failure of the Weimar Republic must… remind us… to counter those who seek to eliminate freedom and democracy, consistently and at an early stage.”  (1)

Germany has had problems with far-right movements and parties during recent years, most notably because of anti-Islam movement PEGIDA and far-right party “Alternative for Germany” AfD. According to some recent polls, AfD has lost some support, but it is still in the fourth place with 12-13 per cent support (2, 3). Internal differences in AfD have lead to birth of far-right splinter groups. Frauke Petry, former co-head of AfD, formed “The Blue Party” (Die blaue Partei) in 2017 (4). André Poggenburg criticized AfD for “shifting to the left” and formed a new group “Awakening of German Patriots” AdP last month (5). The support of the other far-right parties seems to be minimal compared to AfD.


1) “Germany marks 100 years since Weimar Constitution” Deutsche Welle 6.2.2019


2) “Politbarometer Januar II 2019” Forschungsgruppe.de 25.1.2019


3) “Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre…” Sonntagsfrage – Forsa 2.2.2019


4) “Former leader of Germany’s far-right kicks off new ‘Blue Party'” Reuters 12.10.2017


5) “New far-right German party adopts former secret Nazi symbol” The Guardian 11.1.2019


Politicians’ personal data leaked online in Germany

Huge cache of sensitive documents regarding German politicians, celebrities and other public figures was published online daily in December but came to light only on Thursday. Quite interestingly, all of main German political parties were hit – the only exception was far-right party Alternative für Deutschland AfD.

More information about the case:

1)”German politician’s personal data leaked online” The Guardian 4.1.2019


2) “‘Mass hack attack’ against politicians raises eyebrows in Berlin” Euractiv 4.1.2019
