British hardline right-wingers welcome new controversial youth organization

British hardline right-wingers and Brexiteers, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel, have been enthusiastic about a new right-wing youth organization Turning Point UK which is a spin-off from a controversial American youth organization Turning Point USA founded by Charlie Kirk. Turning Point USA has close ties with President Trump’s family and inner circle and Fox News as well several alt-right figures and media outlets, for example Steve Bannon and Breitbart News. Kirk is a former contributor to Breitbart News and he also worked for Trump presidential campaign in 2016. (1,2)

The UK organization will be headed by George Farmer, whose father Michael Farmer is a multimillionaire financier and longtime Tory donor. George Farmer has been socializing with some hardline right-wingers, such as Paul Joseph Watson, who works for far-right conspiracy theory website Infowars. George Farmer is engaged to Candace Owens who is a spokeswoman and Director of Communications of the Turning Point USA. George Farmer has caused controversy because of his derogatory and Islamophobic tweets. (1, 3)

Anne Marie Waters, founder of British anti-Muslim party For Britain, has praised the launch of Turning Point UK and hopes to be able to cooperate with the organization (1). Former leader of far-right UKIP party Nigel Farage expressed his support for Turning Point UK on Fox News today:


1) “Tory MPs back youth group with apparent links to US far right” The Guardian 4.2.2019

2) “Who Funds Conservative Campus Group Turning Point USA? Donors Revealed” International Business Times 28.11.2017

3) Turning Point USA website

“Radical left” and other “threats” for the hardline American right-wingers

While talking about the government shutdown and planned border wall on Saturday, President Trump criticized Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and said that she is “controlled by radical left”:

“She’s being controlled by the radical left, which is a problem. I think that’s a very bad thing for her. I think it’s a very bad thing for the Democrats.” (1)

On Sunday President Trump claimed in his tweet that Mrs Pelosi has become “a Radical Democrat”:

“Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the ‘lefties’ in her party that she has lost control…” (2)

President Trump’s strong words reminded me of a controversial memo written in May 2017 by Rich Higgins, former director for strategic planning in the National Security Council NSC. The memo was considered to be so controversial that Higgins, who was seen as an ally of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, was forced to resign (3).

In his memo Higgins listed a roster of enemies of President Trump and his supporters: the political establishment, the deep state, globalists, bankers, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists, Maoists and others, for example the United Nations and the European Union, who cultivate and spread “cultural Marxism.” According to Higgins, the Democratic Leadership in USA “has been a counter-state enabler that executes, sustains, and protects cultural Marxist programs of action and facilitates the relentless expansion of the deep state.” (4)

When right-wing media outlet The Daily Caller interviewed him in September 2017, Higgins told that he had written the memo “in a personal capacity”, not as a work project. He didn’t know, whether President Trump ever read the memo or not (5). However, for example New York Daily News wrote in August 2017 that President Trump reportedly “raved about the document” and was “furious” about Higgins’ removal (6). Higgins believed that he was fired “for remaining based in reality and not succumbing to the politically correct, multicultural self-delusion popular in the governing elite.” (5)


1) “Pelosi ‘controlled by radical left’ in border dispute over shutdown, Trump says” The Washington Times 19.1.2019

2) “Virulente attaque de Trump contre la cheffe des démocrates au Congrès” Le Point 20.1.2019

3) “An NSC Staffer Is Forced Out Over a Controversial Memo” The Atlantic 2.8.2017

4) Higgins, Rich: “POTUS & Political Warfare” May 2017

5) “Here’s why NSC staffer Rich Higgins says he was fired from the Trump administration ” The Daily Caller 23.9.2017

6) “NSC official fired for drafting memo claiming Islamists, bankers and globalists are threats to Trump’s agenda” New York Daily News 10.8.2017

Katie Hopkins promotes far-right event in Finland

Katie Hopkins, the British poster-girl for far-right, has been promoting far-right event called “Awakening II” which will take place in Finland in April. The event will feature notorious American antisemite Kevin MacDonald and equally notorious American white supremacist Jared Taylor, who also took part to the first “Awakening” conference in Finland, last year (1). The event will also feature Ukrainian far-right activist Olena Semenyaka, Swedish-Icelandic alt-right figure Frodi Midjord, Austrian writer Martin Semlitsch (aka Martin Lichtmesz) and Jasmina Ollikainen, a member of HAPSU, a student association which is a member of the Finns Party Youth, the youth-wing of the Finns Party (2).

Read the full story on Hope not Hate website:

Other references:

1)”A secretive far-right event in Helsinki on Sunday: International speakers united by anti-semitism and misogyny” 4.4.2018

2) Information about HAPSU