Greater Israel and Yinon Plan

Now that it seems clear that the right-wing Israelis want more land for Israel with the help of right-wing Americans and other allies, we should pay attention to the idea of Greater Israel. I will enclose some links where you can find more information and writings about the idea of Greater Israel. It’s been said that the article written by Israeli official and journalist Oded Yinon in 1982 has influenced the American-Israeli right-wing politics for decades, it is often called the Yinon Plan.

1) Oded Yinon: “Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” translated by Israel Shahak (1982)

2) “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East” GlobalResearch 28.12.2019

3) Black, Ian: “The quest for a greater Israel” The Guardian 25.8.2009

4) Chomsky, Noam: “The one state/two state debate is irrelevant as Israel and the US consolidate Greater Israel” Mondoweiss 24.10.2013

5) Becker, Ted – Polkinghorn, Brian: A New Pathway to World Peace: From American Empire to First Global Nation (2017)

6) Kurtzer, Daniel C.: “Choices Facing the United States: Greater Israel or Global Israel?” Israel Studies Vol. 23 No. 3 Fall 2018 pp. 246-252

7) Zimmerman, Simone: “American Jews Are Funding the Far-right Dream of Greater Israel. We Have to End This – Now” Haaretz 21.10.2018

8) Erekat, Saeb: “It’s Time To Admit That The US Is Signing The Checks For Greater Israel” Forward 1.7.2019

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation rejects Trump’s Middle East plan

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation OIC has rejected President Trump’s Middle East plan. The OIC said in a statement that it “calls on all member states not to engage with this plan or to cooperate with the US administration in implementing it in any form.”

Read the full story on Al Jazeera:

Trump’s “deal of the century”

On Tuesday, President Trump unveiled his Middle East plan, also dubbed as “deal of the century”, with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (1). As expected, this blatantly biased plan didn’t get many glowing reviews. Here are some examples of the reactions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 28.1.2020 (2):

“It’s a great plan for Israel.  It’s a great plan for peace.  Frankly, Mr. President, given all that you have already done for Israel, I’m not surprised.  You have been the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House.”

“Your historic decisions to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights; to reaffirm Israel’s legal claims in Judea and Samaria; to stand up to Iran; to pull out of that dangerous Iran deal; to confront — “confront” is not the word — to eliminate Qasem Soleimani — to support and encourage unbelievable cooperation between Israel and the United States in the military and strategic and intelligence fields — all this bear testament to the friendship and depth of your leadership and commitment to Israel.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 29.1.2020 (3):

“No peace plan is perfect but this has the merit of a two state solution. It is a two state solution. It would ensure that Jerusalem is both the capital of Israel and of the Palestinian people.”

EU High representative Josep Borrell 28.1.2020 (4):

“The European Union will study and assess the proposals put forward. This will be done on the basis of the EU’s established position and its firm and united commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution that takes into account the legitimate aspirations of both the Palestinians and the Israelis, respecting all relevant UN resolutions and internationally agreed parameters.

UN Secretary-General, note to correspondents 28.1.2020 (5):

“The Secretary-General has seen the announcement of the United States plan for the Middle East. The position of the United Nations on the two-State solution has been defined, throughout the years, by relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions by which the Secretariat is bound.
The United Nations remains committed to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements and realizing the vision of two States – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders, on the basis of the pre-1967 lines.”

UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk 31.1.2020 (6):

“The Trump plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a lopsided proposal entirely in favour of one side to the conflict.”

“What the Trump plan offers is a one and a half state solution. This Potemkin state – lacking most of the commonly understood attributes of sovereignty beyond the right to fly its flag and issue stamps – would become an entirely new entity in the annals of modern political science.”

“This is not a recipe for a just and durable peace but rather endorses the creation of a 21st century Bantustan in the Middle East. The Palestinian statelet envisioned by the American plan would be scattered archipelagos of non-contiguous territory completely surrounded by Israel, with no external borders, no control over its airspace, no right to a military to defend its security, no geographic basis for a viable economy, no freedom of movement and with no ability to complain to international judicial forums against Israel or the United States.”

Turkey’s National Security Council (MGK) 30.1.2020 (7):

“The U.S.’ so-called peace plan aims to legitimize occupation, destruction and oppression of Palestine.”

“The only solution is the establishment of an independent Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

The Arab League, part of statement 1.2.2020 (8):

“(The Arab League) rejects the US-Israeli ‘deal of the century’ considering that it does not meet the minimum rights and aspirations of Palestinian people.”

The Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit 1.2.2020 (9):

“The plan leads to a status that amounts to a one-state situation that comprises two classes of citizens, that is apartheid, in which the Palestinians will be second-class citizens, deprived of the basic rights of citizenship.”

“(The U.S. proposal) does not bring about stability or build peace, but sows the seeds for another 100 years of conflict and suffering.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, regarding cutting all ties with USA and Israel 1.2.2020 (10):

“We’ve informed the Israeli side … that there will be no relations at all with them and the United States including security ties.”

“I will never accept this solution. I will not have it recorded in my history that I have sold Jerusalem.”


1) “This is what Donald Trump’s Middle East plan looks like” Al Jazeera 28.1.2020

2) “Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of the State of Israel in Joint Statements” White House 28.1.2020

3) “Boris Johnson praises Donald Trump’s plan for peace in the Middle East as he hits out at Jeremy Corbyn for being ‘characteristically negative’ about the blueprint” Daily Mail 29.1.2020

4) “EU responds to Trump’s Middle East peace plan” 29.1.2020

5) “Note to correspondents: In respond to questions on the Middle East” United Nations Secretary-General 28.1.2020

6) “Israel / OPT: UN expert alarmed by ‘lopsided’ Trump plan, says will entrench occupation” United Nations OHCHR 31.1.2020

7) “Trump’s Mideast plan aims to legitimize destruction of Palestine: Turkey’s National Security Council” Daily Sabah 30.1.2020

8) “Arab League rejects Trump’s Middle East plan” Al Jazeera 1.2.2020

9) “Trump’s Mideast plan amounts to ‘apartheid’, Arab League says” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

10) “Palestine cuts all ties with Israel and US” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

According to Melanie Phillips, Islamophobia is a bogus label

British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle has published a highly controversial article written by right-wing journalist Melanie Phillips. According to Phillips, “The taunt of Islamophobia is used to silence any criticism of the Islamic world, including Islamic extremism.” (1) The Board of Deputies of British Jews said that the publication of the article was an error (2):

“Anti-Muslim prejudice is very real and it is on the rise. Our community must stand as allies to all facing racism.”


1) “Don’t fall for bogus claims of ‘Islamophobia'” The Jewish Chronicle 16.12.2019

2) “‘Islamophobia a bogus label’: Jewish Chronicle under fire over article” The Guardian 17.12.2019

Spanish far-right party Vox and the changing right-wing politics in Spain

Spanish Social Democratic Party PSOE was the clear winner of Sunday’s general election in Spain. PSOE won 28.7 % of the votes and 123 parliamentary seats, an increase of 38 seats. However, the left-wing coalition Unidas Podemos won 14.3 % of the votes and 42 seats, a loss of 29 seats. (1, 2)

A more significant upheaval seems to be taking place amid Spanish right-wing parties. The conservative party Partido Popular PP suffered historic defeat by losing over half of its seats (loss of 71 seats) and by winning 16.7 % of the votes. Ciudadanos won 15.9 % of the votes and 57 seats, an increase of 25 seats. (1) There have been indications that Ciudadanos is becoming more right-wing and the success of the party in this election will make it challenger of the PP. (2, 3, 4, 5)

The biggest shock was the success of far-right party Vox. The party won 24 seats and 10.3 % of the votes and it became the first far-right party to enter the Spanish parliament after decades (6). Vox has become known for its strong, aggressive rhetoric and its stance against multiculturalism, mass immigration, Muslims and women’s rights. Vox has drawn inspiration from French, British and American hard-line right-win populists. Members of the party have shown their admiration for President Trump and his policies and they like to use slogans that are similar to the ones used by Trump. (7)

Vox has quite interesting connections to neoconservatives and other right-wing politicians in the U.S. camp. Leading Spanish neoconservative and former Prime Minister of Spain, José María Aznar, is seen as influencer or “tsar” of the three Spanish right-wing parties Vox, PP and Ciudadanos (8). Aznar has spoken favorably about Santiago Abascal, current leader of Vox and former member of PP. Aznar said in October that Abascal is a “boy full of good qualities.” (9) Rafael Bardají, another leading Spanish neoconservative and former advisor of Aznar, is now strategist of Vox. Bardají is well-known for his strong support for Israel and for his anti-Muslim stance. Bardají is founder and former director of Madrid-based right-wing think-tank Strategic Studies Group GEES and he is also Executive Director of the Friends of Israel Initiative. (10, 11) Steve Bannon, former advisor of President Trump, endorsed Vox after meeting Bardají, last year. Bannon has wanted Vox to be part of his European far-right alliance The Movement. (7, 10)

Even though Vox is now known for its Islamophobia, the party has actually received funding from Iranian dissident groups. When Vox was founded as a splinter group of PP in 2013, one of the founders of Vox, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, arranged funding for the new party from exiled Iranian group National Council of Resistance of Iran NCRI. According to a spokesperson for the NCRI, the organization gave funding without knowing that Vox would become a far-right party. The NCRI is now considered to be a “front organization” of Iranian terrorist cult Mojahedin-e-Khalq MEK. Several American politicians have shown their support for MEK. President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani and National Security Advisor John Bolton consider MEK to be a legitimate opposition to the current Iranian government. (12)


1) “Analysis: How did Sunday’s elections change Spain’s political landscape?” El País 29.4.2019

2) Elecciones generales 2019 – Resultados El País 29.4.2019

3) “Everyone against Ciudadanos” El País 30.11.2017

4) “Spain’s Albert Rivera shifts party rightward ahead of vote” Financial Times 24.3.2019

5) “Ciudadanos disputa al PP el liderazgo de la derecha” El País 29.4.2019

6) “Spanish election: socialists win amid far-right gains for Vox party” The Guardian 29.4.2019

7) “Vox: Who are the Trump-inspired far-right Spanish nationalist party and what do they stand for?” The Independent 11.1.2019

8) “A Darkening Horizon” Jacobin 17.12.2018

9) “Abascal, busting Spain’s ‘traitors’ to resurrect far-right” Yahoo Finance 29.4.2019

10) “Bannon sets his eyes on Spain” European Council on Foreign Relations ECFR 24.10.2018

11) Contributors – Rafael Bardají Octavian Report

12) “Spain’s Vox Party Hates Muslims – Except the Ones Who Fund It” Foreign Policy 27.4.2019

Netanyahu’s far-right alliance in Israel

Ahead of the upcoming elections, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has forged an alliance with two far-right parties – far-right, pro-settler Jewish Home Party and extremist Jewish Power Party. The Jewish Power Party is an offshoot of Kach Party which was banned and considered to the be a terrorist organization in Israel and USA. According to experts, the Jewish Power Party is like Ku Klux Klan of Israel. (1)

In addition to the decision to join forces with right-wing extremists, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud Party has faced criticism also because of their reluctancy to increase transparency in the new ways of political campaigning, particularly in online media. Also, parliament speaker of the Likud Party Yudi Edelstein has reportedly rejected calls to employ an international body to monitor the upcoming elections. (2)


1) “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a close ally of Trump, just united with a political party that experts say is like the KKK” Business Insider 22.2.2019

2) “Israel election committee asks Facebook to implement transparency tools: report” i24News 4.2.2019

Israel’s cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right

The Guardian reported today that antisemitism has been rising sharply in Europe. According to French historian Marc Knobel, during the past two decades the amount of antisemitic attacks has risen whenever there have been tensions in the Middle East. He said that “rather than attacking Israelis, people went for Jews.” Frédéric Potier of the French government’s anti-racism and antisemitism body Dilcrah said that more traditional forms of antisemitism are also starting to re-emerge and it is due to “the resurgence of a virulent, far-right identity politics.” (1)

However, Israel has also been building cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right for years. Nick Cohen reported in the British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle in 2011 that Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, talked 20 minutes with Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right party the National Front (now the National Rally). Later on Prosor claimed that he hadn’t realized who he talked to. According to Cohen, no one in France or Israel believed the official explanation. Cohen continued:

“…it is safe to assume that elements within the Israeli right are toying with the idea of doing business with elements within the European far right. They reason that, because fascistic or ultra-nationalist movements have turned their hatred from Jews to Muslims, they are now partners they can embrace.” (2)

Danny Shek, Israel’s former ambassador to France, said in 2012:

“What worries me as a Jew and as an Israeli is that more and more Jews find her (i.e. Marine Le Pen) appealing. There is a growing popularity for the primitive formula, ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.” (3)

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had close relationship with Hungary’s right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban in spite of Orban’s aggressive political campaign against Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros and in spite of the fact that Orban has also praised Miklos Horthy who was ruler of Hungary and Nazi collaborator during World War II. When Orban visited Israel last summer, Netanyahu called him “true friend of Israel.” (4, 5)

Even though Israel does not officially accept right-wing extremists as guests, Netanyahu’s Likud Party has received several European far-right visitors. For example, Italy’s post-fascist leader Gianfranco Fini visited Israel at the beginning of 2000s. Matteo Salvini, current Italian Interior Minister and federal secretary of the far-right party Northern League, visited Israel in 2016. (4) Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party FPÖ and current Vice-Chancellor of Austria, has visited Israel several times during recent years (6, 7).

Human rights groups have protested against sale of Israeli weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia Azov Battalion. Israel has also expressed strong support for Germany’s far-right party Alternative for Germany AfD. (4) Rafi Eitan, former Israeli minister and Mossad spymaster, sent a video message to AfD:

“We all in Israel appreciate your attitude towards Judaism… I’m sure that if you work wisely, strongly and, most important, realistically … that instead of ‘Alternative for Germany,’ you might become an alternative for all of Europe.”

According to Israeli media reports, Eitan also wrote in German a message on his personal Facebook page:

“…the Muslim world and its culture are very different from those of the West. Anywhere there are Muslims today, in any European country, one can expect violence and terror because of these differences.” (8)

Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo believed in their article last year that Israel has been operating with European right-wing populists and far-right leaders in order to find ways to pressure Europe and the European Union, because European countries have criticized Israel’s actions against Palestinians and, more recently, Israel’s decision to accept the Nation State Law. Baroud and Rubeo wrote:

“The Israeli government seems intent on weakening Europe by investing in existing divisions and offering political validation to groups that, until recently, were on the political fringes.

It hopes that a divided Europe will be more easily controlled and coaxed back into Israel’s loyalty camp.

It remains to be seen whether Israel’s embrace of far-right, neo-Nazi and fascist Europe will pay off, the way its government hopes for, or whether it would backfire…” (4)


1) “Antisemitism rising sharply across Europe, latest figures show” The Guardian 15.2.2019

2) “Ambassador, how you spoil us” The Jewish Chronicle 23.11.2011

3) “Marine Le Pen: Don’t French Jews get it?” The Jewish Chronicle 26.4.2012

4) “An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right” Al Jazeera 17.7.2018

5) “Netanyahu greets Hungary’s Orban as ‘true friend of Israel’” AP News 19.7.2018

6) “Far-right Austrian leader visits Israel’s Holocaust memorial” Reuters 12.4.2016

7) “Austrian far-right leader sympathetic to Israel on Jerusalem recognition” The Times of Israel 11.12.2017

8) “Ex-Israeli spymaster, who helped capture Adolf Eichmann, releases video in support of German far-right party” The Washington Post 3.2.2018

Hardliners campaigning in Israel

The political campaigning is heating up before the upcoming elections in Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to win the elections and continue as a Prime Minister, even though he is facing several charges of corruption (1). His biggest challenger is a newcomer, former army general Benny Gantz and his new “Israel Resilience” party (2).

Gantz caused uproar by saying that he wants Israel to end rule over Palestinians and because of his statement that was interpreted by hardline right-wingers as willingness to support some sort of unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank which would be similar to Israel’s pullout from Gaza in 2005. Prime Minister Netanyahu attacked his rival by warning of “Abbas-Gantz conspiracy”:

“The problem is that Abbas is satisfied, because Benny Gantz said today that he would carry out a second disengagement in Judea and Samaria, and Abbas wished him success in the election. This is why we have to go together, win these elections and prevent this. This is what election is really about: whether there will be a left-wing government led by Gantz or a Likud government led by me.” (2, 3)

The new far-right party “The New Right Party”, founded by former leading members of “The Jewish Home Party” (3, 4), said in their statement:

“He (i.e. Gantz) wants to expel more and more Jews from their homes during a unilateral disengagement from Judea and Samaria. Benny Gantz must not be Israel’s next defense minister. As we said: A ‘New Right’ or a weak Left.” (2)


1) “The Corruption Cases Against Netanyahu” The New York Times 2.12.2018

2) “Anyone but Bibi: In Israel, ex-general stirs hope of change” AP News 8.2.2019

3) “Netanyahu warns of Abbas-Gantz conspiracy” Jerusalem Post 6.2.2019

4) “Bennett, Shaked’s ‘New Right’ party said set to unite with Jewish Home” Ynet News 30.12.2018,7340,L-5437031,00.html