Candace Owens’s thoughts about Hitler “making Germany great”

Candace Owens, the spokeswoman and communications director of controversial right-wing youth organization Turning Point USA, expressed some thoughts about Hitler, nationalism and globalism:

“Globalism is what I don’t want. So, when you think about whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. He was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine. The problem is that he wanted — he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize.”

Here is a link to the video and full transcript of her comment (on Media Matters):–If-Hitler-just-wante/222812

British hardline right-wingers welcome new controversial youth organization

British hardline right-wingers and Brexiteers, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel, have been enthusiastic about a new right-wing youth organization Turning Point UK which is a spin-off from a controversial American youth organization Turning Point USA founded by Charlie Kirk. Turning Point USA has close ties with President Trump’s family and inner circle and Fox News as well several alt-right figures and media outlets, for example Steve Bannon and Breitbart News. Kirk is a former contributor to Breitbart News and he also worked for Trump presidential campaign in 2016. (1,2)

The UK organization will be headed by George Farmer, whose father Michael Farmer is a multimillionaire financier and longtime Tory donor. George Farmer has been socializing with some hardline right-wingers, such as Paul Joseph Watson, who works for far-right conspiracy theory website Infowars. George Farmer is engaged to Candace Owens who is a spokeswoman and Director of Communications of the Turning Point USA. George Farmer has caused controversy because of his derogatory and Islamophobic tweets. (1, 3)

Anne Marie Waters, founder of British anti-Muslim party For Britain, has praised the launch of Turning Point UK and hopes to be able to cooperate with the organization (1). Former leader of far-right UKIP party Nigel Farage expressed his support for Turning Point UK on Fox News today:


1) “Tory MPs back youth group with apparent links to US far right” The Guardian 4.2.2019

2) “Who Funds Conservative Campus Group Turning Point USA? Donors Revealed” International Business Times 28.11.2017

3) Turning Point USA website