Greater Israel and Yinon Plan

Now that it seems clear that the right-wing Israelis want more land for Israel with the help of right-wing Americans and other allies, we should pay attention to the idea of Greater Israel. I will enclose some links where you can find more information and writings about the idea of Greater Israel. It’s been said that the article written by Israeli official and journalist Oded Yinon in 1982 has influenced the American-Israeli right-wing politics for decades, it is often called the Yinon Plan.

1) Oded Yinon: “Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” translated by Israel Shahak (1982)

2) “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East” GlobalResearch 28.12.2019

3) Black, Ian: “The quest for a greater Israel” The Guardian 25.8.2009

4) Chomsky, Noam: “The one state/two state debate is irrelevant as Israel and the US consolidate Greater Israel” Mondoweiss 24.10.2013

5) Becker, Ted – Polkinghorn, Brian: A New Pathway to World Peace: From American Empire to First Global Nation (2017)

6) Kurtzer, Daniel C.: “Choices Facing the United States: Greater Israel or Global Israel?” Israel Studies Vol. 23 No. 3 Fall 2018 pp. 246-252

7) Zimmerman, Simone: “American Jews Are Funding the Far-right Dream of Greater Israel. We Have to End This – Now” Haaretz 21.10.2018

8) Erekat, Saeb: “It’s Time To Admit That The US Is Signing The Checks For Greater Israel” Forward 1.7.2019