Hardliners campaigning in Israel

The political campaigning is heating up before the upcoming elections in Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to win the elections and continue as a Prime Minister, even though he is facing several charges of corruption (1). His biggest challenger is a newcomer, former army general Benny Gantz and his new “Israel Resilience” party (2).

Gantz caused uproar by saying that he wants Israel to end rule over Palestinians and because of his statement that was interpreted by hardline right-wingers as willingness to support some sort of unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank which would be similar to Israel’s pullout from Gaza in 2005. Prime Minister Netanyahu attacked his rival by warning of “Abbas-Gantz conspiracy”:

“The problem is that Abbas is satisfied, because Benny Gantz said today that he would carry out a second disengagement in Judea and Samaria, and Abbas wished him success in the election. This is why we have to go together, win these elections and prevent this. This is what election is really about: whether there will be a left-wing government led by Gantz or a Likud government led by me.” (2, 3)

The new far-right party “The New Right Party”, founded by former leading members of “The Jewish Home Party” (3, 4), said in their statement:

“He (i.e. Gantz) wants to expel more and more Jews from their homes during a unilateral disengagement from Judea and Samaria. Benny Gantz must not be Israel’s next defense minister. As we said: A ‘New Right’ or a weak Left.” (2)


1) “The Corruption Cases Against Netanyahu” The New York Times 2.12.2018


2) “Anyone but Bibi: In Israel, ex-general stirs hope of change” AP News 8.2.2019


3) “Netanyahu warns of Abbas-Gantz conspiracy” Jerusalem Post 6.2.2019


4) “Bennett, Shaked’s ‘New Right’ party said set to unite with Jewish Home” Ynet News 30.12.2018 
