More bad news for Britain

As Brexit is getting closer, political disintegration seems to continue in Britain. Jeremy Hosking, a multimillionaire financier, has registered a new party Brexit Express in order to support “hard Brexit” – the move increases the risk that the Conservative Party may split (1). Today seven MPs resigned from the Labour Party. According to them, the British politics is “broken” and the Labour Party has been taken over by “hard left.” They also criticized the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, as well as “antisemitism” and “racism” in the party. (2) One of the defectors, Luciana Berger, accused Labour Party of “institutional antisemitism” (3). Another defector, Angela Smith, caused a racism row by saying that members of ethnic minorities are of a “funny tinge” (4).

The British organization Hope not Hate published their annual “State of Hate Report.” According to the report, “Britain is increasingly divided and that is likely to increase” whatever happens with Brexit. There is also a growing risk of far right terrorism and increasing support for far right. The report also states that “anti-Muslim prejudice has replaced immigration as the key driver of far right growth”, but also attitudes towards immigration “are deteriorating.” The report also pays attention to the antisemitism problem in the Labour Party. On the other hand, Islamophobia seems to have become a significant problem in the Conservative Party. According to the report, “49% of 2017 Conservative voters think that Islam is incompatible to the British way of life and 47% think there are no go areas in Britain where sharia law dominates and non-Muslims cannot enter.” (5)


1) “No-dealers dig in for a fresh battle amid fears of Tory split” The Guardian 17.2.2019

2) “In their own words: why seven MPs are quitting Labour” The Guardian 18.2.2019

3) “MP says UK Labour is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ as 7 lawmakers quit party” The Times of Israel 18.2.2019

4) “Britain’s newest political group isn’t even a day old. It’s already been accused of racism” The Washington Post 18.2.2019

5) “State of Hate Report 2019” – Hope not Hate 17.2.2019

Israel’s cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right

The Guardian reported today that antisemitism has been rising sharply in Europe. According to French historian Marc Knobel, during the past two decades the amount of antisemitic attacks has risen whenever there have been tensions in the Middle East. He said that “rather than attacking Israelis, people went for Jews.” Frédéric Potier of the French government’s anti-racism and antisemitism body Dilcrah said that more traditional forms of antisemitism are also starting to re-emerge and it is due to “the resurgence of a virulent, far-right identity politics.” (1)

However, Israel has also been building cooperation with European right-wing populists and far right for years. Nick Cohen reported in the British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle in 2011 that Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, talked 20 minutes with Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right party the National Front (now the National Rally). Later on Prosor claimed that he hadn’t realized who he talked to. According to Cohen, no one in France or Israel believed the official explanation. Cohen continued:

“…it is safe to assume that elements within the Israeli right are toying with the idea of doing business with elements within the European far right. They reason that, because fascistic or ultra-nationalist movements have turned their hatred from Jews to Muslims, they are now partners they can embrace.” (2)

Danny Shek, Israel’s former ambassador to France, said in 2012:

“What worries me as a Jew and as an Israeli is that more and more Jews find her (i.e. Marine Le Pen) appealing. There is a growing popularity for the primitive formula, ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.” (3)

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had close relationship with Hungary’s right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban in spite of Orban’s aggressive political campaign against Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros and in spite of the fact that Orban has also praised Miklos Horthy who was ruler of Hungary and Nazi collaborator during World War II. When Orban visited Israel last summer, Netanyahu called him “true friend of Israel.” (4, 5)

Even though Israel does not officially accept right-wing extremists as guests, Netanyahu’s Likud Party has received several European far-right visitors. For example, Italy’s post-fascist leader Gianfranco Fini visited Israel at the beginning of 2000s. Matteo Salvini, current Italian Interior Minister and federal secretary of the far-right party Northern League, visited Israel in 2016. (4) Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party FPÖ and current Vice-Chancellor of Austria, has visited Israel several times during recent years (6, 7).

Human rights groups have protested against sale of Israeli weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia Azov Battalion. Israel has also expressed strong support for Germany’s far-right party Alternative for Germany AfD. (4) Rafi Eitan, former Israeli minister and Mossad spymaster, sent a video message to AfD:

“We all in Israel appreciate your attitude towards Judaism… I’m sure that if you work wisely, strongly and, most important, realistically … that instead of ‘Alternative for Germany,’ you might become an alternative for all of Europe.”

According to Israeli media reports, Eitan also wrote in German a message on his personal Facebook page:

“…the Muslim world and its culture are very different from those of the West. Anywhere there are Muslims today, in any European country, one can expect violence and terror because of these differences.” (8)

Ramzy Baroud and Romana Rubeo believed in their article last year that Israel has been operating with European right-wing populists and far-right leaders in order to find ways to pressure Europe and the European Union, because European countries have criticized Israel’s actions against Palestinians and, more recently, Israel’s decision to accept the Nation State Law. Baroud and Rubeo wrote:

“The Israeli government seems intent on weakening Europe by investing in existing divisions and offering political validation to groups that, until recently, were on the political fringes.

It hopes that a divided Europe will be more easily controlled and coaxed back into Israel’s loyalty camp.

It remains to be seen whether Israel’s embrace of far-right, neo-Nazi and fascist Europe will pay off, the way its government hopes for, or whether it would backfire…” (4)


1) “Antisemitism rising sharply across Europe, latest figures show” The Guardian 15.2.2019

2) “Ambassador, how you spoil us” The Jewish Chronicle 23.11.2011

3) “Marine Le Pen: Don’t French Jews get it?” The Jewish Chronicle 26.4.2012

4) “An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right” Al Jazeera 17.7.2018

5) “Netanyahu greets Hungary’s Orban as ‘true friend of Israel’” AP News 19.7.2018

6) “Far-right Austrian leader visits Israel’s Holocaust memorial” Reuters 12.4.2016

7) “Austrian far-right leader sympathetic to Israel on Jerusalem recognition” The Times of Israel 11.12.2017

8) “Ex-Israeli spymaster, who helped capture Adolf Eichmann, releases video in support of German far-right party” The Washington Post 3.2.2018

Lessons from Weimar

Germany’s government marked the centenary of the Weimar Republic and Germany’s first democratic constitution, yesterday. At its time, the Weimar Constitution was very liberal and progressive, but it also had some fatal flaws that helped Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “every generation must once again struggle for democracy.” She added that present-day Europe has drawn lessons from Weimar and the “terrible” Nazi era. Stephan Harbarth, the vice-president of Germany’s top court, said:

“The failure of the Weimar Republic must… remind us… to counter those who seek to eliminate freedom and democracy, consistently and at an early stage.”  (1)

Germany has had problems with far-right movements and parties during recent years, most notably because of anti-Islam movement PEGIDA and far-right party “Alternative for Germany” AfD. According to some recent polls, AfD has lost some support, but it is still in the fourth place with 12-13 per cent support (2, 3). Internal differences in AfD have lead to birth of far-right splinter groups. Frauke Petry, former co-head of AfD, formed “The Blue Party” (Die blaue Partei) in 2017 (4). André Poggenburg criticized AfD for “shifting to the left” and formed a new group “Awakening of German Patriots” AdP last month (5). The support of the other far-right parties seems to be minimal compared to AfD.


1) “Germany marks 100 years since Weimar Constitution” Deutsche Welle 6.2.2019

2) “Politbarometer Januar II 2019” 25.1.2019

3) “Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre…” Sonntagsfrage – Forsa 2.2.2019

4) “Former leader of Germany’s far-right kicks off new ‘Blue Party'” Reuters 12.10.2017

5) “New far-right German party adopts former secret Nazi symbol” The Guardian 11.1.2019

British hardline right-wingers welcome new controversial youth organization

British hardline right-wingers and Brexiteers, such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel, have been enthusiastic about a new right-wing youth organization Turning Point UK which is a spin-off from a controversial American youth organization Turning Point USA founded by Charlie Kirk. Turning Point USA has close ties with President Trump’s family and inner circle and Fox News as well several alt-right figures and media outlets, for example Steve Bannon and Breitbart News. Kirk is a former contributor to Breitbart News and he also worked for Trump presidential campaign in 2016. (1,2)

The UK organization will be headed by George Farmer, whose father Michael Farmer is a multimillionaire financier and longtime Tory donor. George Farmer has been socializing with some hardline right-wingers, such as Paul Joseph Watson, who works for far-right conspiracy theory website Infowars. George Farmer is engaged to Candace Owens who is a spokeswoman and Director of Communications of the Turning Point USA. George Farmer has caused controversy because of his derogatory and Islamophobic tweets. (1, 3)

Anne Marie Waters, founder of British anti-Muslim party For Britain, has praised the launch of Turning Point UK and hopes to be able to cooperate with the organization (1). Former leader of far-right UKIP party Nigel Farage expressed his support for Turning Point UK on Fox News today:


1) “Tory MPs back youth group with apparent links to US far right” The Guardian 4.2.2019

2) “Who Funds Conservative Campus Group Turning Point USA? Donors Revealed” International Business Times 28.11.2017

3) Turning Point USA website

From friend to foe – new American approach to Europe

Perhaps one of the most surprising changes during the Trump presidency has been the change in the attitude towards Europe and particularly the European Union. When asked to identify his biggest competitor or foe during an interview in July 2018, President Trump said:

“Well, I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe.” (1)

USA and particularly Republicans have increased their cooperation with European far-right and right-wing populist leaders. The former leader of British far-right party UKIP, “Mr. Brexit” Nigel Farage has had close ties particularly to President Trump and Steve Bannon (2). Farage is still campaigning for Brexit and according to him President Trump is a “believer in Brexit” (3, 4). In last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference CPAC, organized by American Conservative Union ACU, one of the guest speakers was Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, who describes herself to be “the political heir” of her grandfather Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the French far-right party National Front (5).

President Trump has appointed ambassadors who have caused controversy. The US ambassador to the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra has worked closely with some American anti-Muslim organizations and he has made several unsubstantiated anti-Muslim claims (6). The US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell caused controversy already before his appointment because of his insulting and derogatory remarks about women. After becoming the ambassador Grenell gave an interview to far-right news outlet Breitbart and said that he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment right-wing forces throughout Europe (7, 8). Steve Bannon has been trying to start a “Trump-style populist insurgency” with his Brussels-based group The Movement. However, many European far-right parties or politicians haven’t been very keen to join his operation (9).

Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has joined Bannon’s group (9, 10). Salvini has also wanted to create “Italian-Polish axis” that could help to spark right-wing populist “European Spring” and replace the center-right “French-German axis” in Europe (11). Poland has become increasingly important ally of USA. President Trump has praised Poland and Polish people “for standing up for their independence, their security and their sovereignty.” The ruling Polish nationalists have wanted to strengthen the American-Polish alliance even more by requesting that USA would establish a permanent armored base, “Fort Trump”, in Poland. European diplomats have been worried that “hard-liners in the White House are using a willing Warsaw as a wedge to divide and weaken the EU, with which Trump has clashed over trade, climate change, defense spending, Middle East diplomacy and global governance” (12).


1) “Donald Trump calls the EU ‘a foe’ ahead of Putin summit” Independent 15.7.2018

2) “Nigel Farage on the story behind his friendship with Trump” The New Yorker 30.11.2016

3) “Nigel Farage: Trump supports Brexit because it will upend ‘global bureaucracy’” Breitbart 20.12.2018

4) “Nigel Farage joins Leave Means Leave campaign as Vice Chairman” Leave Means Leave

5) “Trump’s GOP is morphing into France’s far right” The Washington Post 23.2.2018

6) “New US ambassador to Netherlands regularly made unsubstantiated ‘no-go zones’ claims, speculated 15% of Muslims could be jihadists” CNN 9.1.2018

7) “Senator weighs holding up Trump nominee over ‘insulting and derogatory’ tweets” The Daily Beast 12.7.2017

8) “New US ambassador to Germany under fire for rightwing support” The Guardian 4.6.2018

9) “Steve Bannon’s far-right Europe operation undermined by election laws” The Guardian 21.11.2018

10) “Italy’s Matteo Salvini joins Bannon’s European populist group” The Guardian 8.9.2018

11) “Salvini calls for ‘Italian-Polish axis’ to replace Paris-Berlin” EurActiv 10.1.2019

12) “Poland’s risky ‘America first’ policy” Politico 6.10.2018

“Radical left” and other “threats” for the hardline American right-wingers

While talking about the government shutdown and planned border wall on Saturday, President Trump criticized Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and said that she is “controlled by radical left”:

“She’s being controlled by the radical left, which is a problem. I think that’s a very bad thing for her. I think it’s a very bad thing for the Democrats.” (1)

On Sunday President Trump claimed in his tweet that Mrs Pelosi has become “a Radical Democrat”:

“Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the ‘lefties’ in her party that she has lost control…” (2)

President Trump’s strong words reminded me of a controversial memo written in May 2017 by Rich Higgins, former director for strategic planning in the National Security Council NSC. The memo was considered to be so controversial that Higgins, who was seen as an ally of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, was forced to resign (3).

In his memo Higgins listed a roster of enemies of President Trump and his supporters: the political establishment, the deep state, globalists, bankers, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists, Maoists and others, for example the United Nations and the European Union, who cultivate and spread “cultural Marxism.” According to Higgins, the Democratic Leadership in USA “has been a counter-state enabler that executes, sustains, and protects cultural Marxist programs of action and facilitates the relentless expansion of the deep state.” (4)

When right-wing media outlet The Daily Caller interviewed him in September 2017, Higgins told that he had written the memo “in a personal capacity”, not as a work project. He didn’t know, whether President Trump ever read the memo or not (5). However, for example New York Daily News wrote in August 2017 that President Trump reportedly “raved about the document” and was “furious” about Higgins’ removal (6). Higgins believed that he was fired “for remaining based in reality and not succumbing to the politically correct, multicultural self-delusion popular in the governing elite.” (5)


1) “Pelosi ‘controlled by radical left’ in border dispute over shutdown, Trump says” The Washington Times 19.1.2019

2) “Virulente attaque de Trump contre la cheffe des démocrates au Congrès” Le Point 20.1.2019

3) “An NSC Staffer Is Forced Out Over a Controversial Memo” The Atlantic 2.8.2017

4) Higgins, Rich: “POTUS & Political Warfare” May 2017

5) “Here’s why NSC staffer Rich Higgins says he was fired from the Trump administration ” The Daily Caller 23.9.2017

6) “NSC official fired for drafting memo claiming Islamists, bankers and globalists are threats to Trump’s agenda” New York Daily News 10.8.2017

New concerns about the anti-Muslim bias of Trump administration

President Trump has appointed Charles M. Kupperman to assist National Security Advisor John Bolton. The latest appointee has caused more concerns about the anti-Muslim bias of Trump administration. Kupperman served on the board of directors for the Center for Security Policy (CSP) between 2001 and 2010. The CSP and its former director Frank Gaffney Jr. are infamous for their anti-Muslim views (1, 2).

The Trump administration has or has had several members who have connections to Islamophobic organizations or who have expressed strong anti-Muslim sentiment. For example, Bolton himself, Secretary of State Pompeo and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway have ties to the Center for Security Policy (1). Bolton appointed Fred Fleitz, who has been one of Frank Gaffney’s top associates, as chief of staff of the National Security Council (NSC) (2). Fleitz has now become the new President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy (3). Pompeo has also worked closely with Islamophobic organization ACT for America and even received its highest award in 2016 (2). Bolton has also connections to other anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists and Islamophobes, including Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Bolton has been a chairman of the right-wing anti-Muslim think tank Gatestone Institute and he has reportedly received substantial payments from the think tank (2, 4). President Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller, one of the architects of the Muslim immigration ban, started Islamophobic projects and worked with alt-right figure Richard Spencer while studying at Duke University (5). Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson has also expressed strong anti-Muslim views (6).

Some former members of Trump administration with strong anti-Muslim views include former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former national security advisor Michael Flynn, former deputy national security advisor K.T. McFarland and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon (5, 6).


1) “Trump’s new ‘anti-Muslim’ appointee worries civil rights groups” Al Jazeera 17.1.2019

2) “Donald Trump’s Team of Islamophobes” The Nation 12.6.2018

3) Center for Security Policy – Staff:

4) “Trump’s new national security adviser chairs a group that has spread false claims about Muslim refugees in Europe” Business Insider 23.3.2018

5) “The Dark History of the White House Aides Who Crafted Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’” Mother Jones 30.1.2017

6) “Donald Trump’s administration has seven people who have expressed Islamophobic sentiment” Independent 9.12.2016