Israel’s allies and complicity in genocide

(1) “US, UK, others ‘complicit’ in what amounts to ‘genocide’ in Gaza — MSF” TRT World 5.4.2024

(2) “‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence” The Guardian 20.3.2024

(3) “Who were the World Central Kitchen workers killed in Israel’s strike in Gaza?” CNN 4.4.2024

(4) “Biden presses Netanyahu for steps to protect civilians in Gaza: White House” Al Jazeera 4.4.2024

(5) “Israel to ‘temporarily’ reopen north Gaza crossing for aid after Biden call” Al Jazeera 5.4.2024

(6) “U.N. official says Israel systematically impeding Gaza aid distribution” CBS News 18.4.2024

(7) “Israel gave no evidence UNRWA staff linked to ‘terrorism’: Colonna report” Al Jazeera 22.4.2024

(8) “US vetoes UN resolution for Palestinian statehood in favour of never-ending negotiations” Middle East Monitor 19.4.2024

(9) “US does not believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza: Defence chief” Middle East Monitor 9.4.2024

(10) “House okays $17 billion in military aid for Israel under major spending package” The Times of Israel 20.4.2024

(11) “US House approves aid package worth billions for Ukraine, Israel” Al Jazeera 20.4.2024

(12) “Sunak urged to publish legal advice over claims government lawyers think Israel is breaking international law” The Independent 31.3.2024

(13) “UK will not suspend arms exports to Israel, David Cameron says” The Guardian 9.4.2024

(14) “Former supreme court judges say UK arming Israel breaches international law” The Guardian 3.4.2024

(15) “UK Judges’ and Lawyers’ Open Letter Concerning Gaza” 3.4.2024

(16) “UK civil servants overseeing arms sales to Israel demand to ‘cease work immediately'” Middle East Eye 5.4.2024

(17) “‘None of our closest allies have stopped’: Rishi Sunak defends decision not to suspend arms sales to Israel” LBC 10.4.2024

(18) “Nicaragua to ICJ: End Germany’s support of Israeli ‘genocide’ in Gaza” Al Jazeera 8.4.2024

(19) “Germany responds to Nicaragua’s accusation that it encouraged Israel to commit Gaza genocide” Middle East Monitor 6.4.2024

(20) “German civil servants demand ‘immediate’ end to Israeli arms supplies” Al Jazeera 7.4.2024

(21) “Macron’s rift with diplomats deepens after missteps on Israel-Hamas war” Politico 22.11.2023

(22) “French Foreign Minister Rebuked for Suggesting Israel Is Immune From Genocide Charges” Common Dreams 18.1.2024

(23) “France under pressure to suspend military sales to Israel as war in Gaza grinds on” France 24 22.2.2024

(24) “French, German arms sales to Israel hit by legal action” Politico 12.4.2024

(25) “France to prosecute French-Israeli soldiers committing war crimes in Gaza” The New Arab 30.3.2024

(26) “Netanyahu’s office hosts emergency talks on feared ICC warrants for PM, ministers” The Times of Israel 19.4.2024

(27) “War on Gaza: History tells Sunak and Cameron they can safely ignore the ICJ” Middle East Eye 10.4.2024

(28) “President Macron says France and its allies ‘could have stopped’ the 1994 Rwanda genocide” AP News 4.4.2024

First Holocaust denial, now Nakba denial

Far-right Reichsbürger movement in Germany

German far-right Reichsbürger (Citizens of the Reich) movement has made headlines during recent months. In December last year, German police raided several places across the country and arrested over 20 people, who were planning to overthrow the government and violently storm the German parliament building Reichstag. Couple of members of the plot were arrested in Austria and Italy. The arrested people had strong links to the Reichsbürger movement and the QAnon conspiracy theories. One arrested person was a former MP for the far-right party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). (1) In January this year, five Germans were charged with treason over an another alleged far-right plot to overthrow the German government. The beliefs of the group were very similar to the Reichsbürger movement. (2) Last week, a German police officer was shot and wounded during raids in an operation that was related to investigations regarding the Reichsbürger movement (3).

The Reichsbürger movement consists of small groups and individuals who live in different parts of Germany. Members of the movement support various beliefs, for example that modern Germany is not a sovereign state and should therefore not be considered to be a legitimate form of government. Some supporters of the movement believe that the German Empire of 1871 still exists, some others want to bring back Hitler’s Third Reich. Many members of the movement support right-wing, populist, antisemitic and Nazi ideologies. According to German government data, there are about 23,000 members in the Reichsbürger movement and 1,250 of those are part of the right-wing extremist scene. Around 400 members of the movement own weapons and around 2,300 members are considered to be prone to violence. It is also concerning that a significant number of the movement’s members are thought to be current or former soldiers who are highly trained and some of them legally possess firearms. (4)

German journalist Tobias Ginsburg, who has reported on Germany’s far-right scene, considers the Reichsbürger movement to be “extremely dangerous” and he is worried that the movement’s ideology can spread. He also pointed out that you can find similar thinking in the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party. (4) Jörg Meuthen, who was longest-serving leader of the AfD, left the party last year because according to him the party is becoming too far-right. He said, “The heart of the party today beats very far to the right, and at an elevated rate. I do see quite totalitarian echoes here.” (5) German terrorism experts have warned that a combination of the COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine and Europe’s energy crisis has made the situation in the country more worrisome. After the members of the far-right coup plot were arrested, last year, professor Peter Neumann estimated, “We’re going to see more events like this. A well-connected swamp has emerged from the protests against the coronavirus pandemic policies and now this scene has been radicalized.” (6)


1) “German police raids target group accused of far-right plot to overthrow state” The Guardian 7.12.2022

2) “Five charged over second alleged far-right plot against German government” The Guardian 23.1.2023

3) “German officer shot during raids targeting Reichsbürger movement” The Guardian 22.3.2023

4) “The far out, far-right plot that Germany is still trying to unravel” CNN 25.3.2023

5) “Far-right AfD chief Jörg Meuthen quits party” EURACTIV 28.1.2022

6) “Germans on the verge of a nervous breakdown” Politico 8.12.2022

Germany bans neo-Nazi group Combat 18

Germany has banned neo-Nazi group Combat 18 as “significant danger to society.” Combat 18 was formed in the United Kingdom in the 1990s.

Read the full story on

Members of Christian Democratic Union of Germany found to have links to far right

Some members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party Christian Democratic Union CDU have been found to have far-right links.

Read the full story on The Guardian:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warns of rising intolerance during visit to Auschwitz

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned of the rising intolerance during her visit to former Auschwitz concentration camp.

Read the full story on Politico:

“Nazi emergency” in Dresden, Germany

Hello after a very long time!

I have been “missing in action” a very long time. However, I had an unexpected opportunity to follow some right-wing extremist activity, so hopefully that will serve as an apology. So much has happened, lately. Who would have thought that the right-wing populism and extremism would become such a problem to us all so rapidly?

Here is one example. German city of Dresden declared “Nazi emergency”:

Lessons from Weimar

Germany’s government marked the centenary of the Weimar Republic and Germany’s first democratic constitution, yesterday. At its time, the Weimar Constitution was very liberal and progressive, but it also had some fatal flaws that helped Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “every generation must once again struggle for democracy.” She added that present-day Europe has drawn lessons from Weimar and the “terrible” Nazi era. Stephan Harbarth, the vice-president of Germany’s top court, said:

“The failure of the Weimar Republic must… remind us… to counter those who seek to eliminate freedom and democracy, consistently and at an early stage.”  (1)

Germany has had problems with far-right movements and parties during recent years, most notably because of anti-Islam movement PEGIDA and far-right party “Alternative for Germany” AfD. According to some recent polls, AfD has lost some support, but it is still in the fourth place with 12-13 per cent support (2, 3). Internal differences in AfD have lead to birth of far-right splinter groups. Frauke Petry, former co-head of AfD, formed “The Blue Party” (Die blaue Partei) in 2017 (4). André Poggenburg criticized AfD for “shifting to the left” and formed a new group “Awakening of German Patriots” AdP last month (5). The support of the other far-right parties seems to be minimal compared to AfD.


1) “Germany marks 100 years since Weimar Constitution” Deutsche Welle 6.2.2019

2) “Politbarometer Januar II 2019” 25.1.2019

3) “Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre…” Sonntagsfrage – Forsa 2.2.2019

4) “Former leader of Germany’s far-right kicks off new ‘Blue Party'” Reuters 12.10.2017

5) “New far-right German party adopts former secret Nazi symbol” The Guardian 11.1.2019

Ku Klux Klan in Germany

Daily Sabah reported yesterday that the German authorities have conducted raids in several parts of Germany on suspected members of a far-right group called the National Socialist Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Deutschland. According to authorities, about 40 people are under investigation. The group’s members are suspected of glorifying Nazism and in some cases harboring “violent fantasies” (1).

Quite surprisingly, Ku Klux Klan is not a new addition on the far-right scene in Germany. German journalist Frederick Obermaier has been investigating the Ku Klux Klan in Germany and he has written a book about it (2). Obermaier told in an interview in 2017 that the German authorities have been aware of some KKK activity in Germany for decades. However, the amount of KKK members in Germany has been very small compared to USA. According to Obermaier, there have been “close relations” between US Klan groups and German Klan groups over the past 30 or 40 years. The German groups admire the American Klan and hope to become as big as the KKK in USA (3).

While Obermaier was reporting about the killing spree committed by National Socialist Underground NSU between 2000 and 2007, he found links to the Ku Klux Klan in Germany (3). Süddeutsche Zeitung told in 2016 that the only living member of the NSU terror cell, Beate Zschäbe, had reportedly attended at least two KKK gatherings (4). The NSU murdered 10 people, mostly Turkish immigrants, between 2000 and 2007 (5).


1) “Police probe 40 members of German Ku Klux Klan” Daily Sabah 17.1.2019

2) Obermaier, Frederick & Schulz, Tanjev: Kapuzenmänner: Der Ku-Klux-Klan in Deutschland. DTV Premium, Munich 2017.

3) “‘The KKK is active here in Germany'” Deutsche Welle 22.2.2017

4) “Four Ku Klux Klan groups active in Germany, says govt” The 25.10.2016

5) “Neo-Nazi murder gang member jailed for life in Germany” Reuters 11.7.2018

Politicians’ personal data leaked online in Germany

Huge cache of sensitive documents regarding German politicians, celebrities and other public figures was published online daily in December but came to light only on Thursday. Quite interestingly, all of main German political parties were hit – the only exception was far-right party Alternative für Deutschland AfD.

More information about the case:

1)”German politician’s personal data leaked online” The Guardian 4.1.2019

2) “‘Mass hack attack’ against politicians raises eyebrows in Berlin” Euractiv 4.1.2019