The enthusiasm of hard-line Brexiteers

The original Brexit day has come and gone. Minting of the commemorative coin has had to be scrapped (1) and Brexit memorabilia has become collectible for entirely different reason. The situation in Britain remains chaotic and difficult – however, one positive thing is the fact that there haven’t been any serious riots or violent clashes.

On Friday, some planned celebrations of the hard-line Brexiteers were cancelled (1) or turned into a campaign against “Brexit betrayal.” UKIP leader Gerard Batten advertised his party’s event on Twitter:

“Today’s the day we could & should remove ourselves from rule by a foreign power. We know our quisling political establishment will betray Brexit, but the fightback resumes its next phase in Whitehall today. Be there at the UKIP event…” (2)

Another far-right Brexit leader Nigel Farage issued a dire warning to British MPs – he believed that British people would wake up angry on Saturday the 30th because Britain had not left the EU (3). However, perhaps the most memorable event on Friday evening and Saturday morning was the appearance of a lonely trespasser with St. George’s flag on the roof of St. Pancras Station – the incident led to cancellation of several Eurostar trains (4).


1) “Brexit coins and cancelled parties: What is happening on 29 March now?” BBC News 29.3.2019

2) UKIP leader Gerard Batten on Twitter:

3) “Nigel Farage issues DIRE warning to MPs about MORNING of March 30th – ‘Just you wait!'” Alpha News UK 29.3.2019

4) “Eurostar passengers stranded as trespasser with St George’s flag halts trains” The Guardian 30.3.2019

The Brexit cliffhanger in Britain continues

Things are heating up in Britain. Britain was supposed to leave the EU today, but during the recent days it has become more and more likely that there will be a delay – just how long, it is unclear. The chaotic cliffhanger continues. Prime Minister May promised to resign, if her Brexit deal is accepted. Her promise predictably started a fervorous leadership competition within the Conservative Party. (1) The hard-line Brexiteers lead by Nigel Farage will congregate on the Parliament Square around 4 p.m. GMT today. Farage tweeted yesterday:

“Westminster has betrayed the greatest democratic vote in the history of our country, and we won’t let them get away with it.” (2)

The far-right UKIP Party has been advertising their own Make Brexit Happen Rally which is sponsored by notorious far-right figure Tommy Robinson and his TR News service (3). Leader of UKIP Gerard Batten tweeted yesterday:

“There are reports that water cannon may be deployed tomorrow in London, & that some of the police may try to aggregate and provoke Brexiteers. There is always the danger of provocateurs planted to cause trouble. I hope it is not true but I call on everyone present to be peaceful.” (4)

Several far-right extremists and groups are going to try to cause riots and other trouble. For example, members of the UK “yellow vests” threatened on social media:

“If you stop Brexit, we’ll make the Paris riots look like a f***ing tea party.” (5)

Counter-protesters, including anti-fascists and trade unions, are going to oppose the far-right rallies. The police are bracing for possible unrest and clashes between different demonstrators. (5)


1) “At least 10 cabinet ministers considering prime ministerial bids” The Guardian 28.3.2019

2) Nigel Farage on Twitter:

3) UKIP National News 25.3.2019

4) Gerard Batten on Twitter:

5) “Brexit protest: Police brace for disorder after far-right threaten to riot at London rallies” The Independent 29.3.2019

What British hardline Brexiteers say about Brexit

The Brexit chaos continues and Britain seems more divided than ever. The British hardline Brexiteers have defended Brexit enthusiastically, sometimes even aggressively. Here are some comments made by them:

Jacob Rees-Mogg, chair of the hardline European Research Group ERG, hosted a champagne party after PM May suffered the historical defeat in parliament on Tuesday (1). Rees-Mogg, as many other supporters of No Deal, wants UK to leave on WTO terms:

On Twitter 15.1.2019: “The law is in place for us to leave on WTO terms. The Government ought to go back to Brussels and say: if we can’t agree anything in the interim that is what will happen.” (2)

Rees-Mogg was interviewed by Professor Anand Menon on Wednesday evening. Rees-Mogg believes that Theresa May’s cabinet is “the most pro-European part of the Conservative Party” and that 70 per cent of the people who are voting Conservatives seem to be Eurosceptic. Rees-Mogg said that No Deal would be better alternative than the deal offered by PM May or no Brexit at all (3).

One of the architects of the original Brexit campaign in 2016, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been criticizing PM Theresa May and the EU and he has also been promoting Leave Means Leave campaign on his Twitter page (4):

15.1.2019: “Parliament has voted down Theresa May’s terrible Brexit deal. Join us on Thursday in Westminster as Leave Means Leave pushes for a WTO Brexit!”

16.1.2019: “If the betrayal becomes complete and we are forced into a second referendum then some will be in for a shock, the British people will be even more defiant than they were before.”

16.1 2019: “Mrs May’s cross-party talks are all with Remainers and weaken Brexit. She cares about Parliament and not the people. This is betrayal, sadly we must prepare to fight again.”

UKIP leader Gerard Batten has attacked PM May, the British political establishment and the EU:

14.1.2019: “Mrs May’s so-called deal would turn Britain into a vassal state of the EU prepared to go back in in a few short years. What we are witnessing is the political establishment fighting over their preferred method of stopping Brexit – should it be through Mrs May’s surrender document, a General Election or another referendum? In their arrogance and contempt for the will of the 17.4 million who voted to leave the European Union, the political establishment have embarrassed the nation in the eyes of the world. At this point, it is clear that the only way Britain will leave the EU is if the people choose to remove the political establishment through the ballot box.”  (5)

16.1.2019: “The British Parliament has the opportunity to redeem itself. If it betrays the result of the referendum then it will destroy what remaining belief or faith there is in our democratic system, which isn’t very high to start with. But they can turn things around if they want to. They can take the initiative, they can stop asking you (i.e. European Union) how we can leave and they can start telling you how we are going to leave, and I can tell you that the British people will never surrender!” (6)

British poster-girl for far-right Katie Hopkins is an ardent admirer of President Trump and she has supported No Deal Brexit. However, she had some kind words for PM May:

“In many ways, I look to America as kind of hope, like inspiration. You’ve got someone tough in the White House that’s determined to get things done. You’ve got a whole group of people who believe they’ve been forgotten which to me is the Brexiteers. It’s the same, it’s the rest of the UK, it’s the rest of America that isn’t California or isn’t New York, and the rest of America got their voice heard and that really speaks to the Brexiteer in me.”  (7)

On Twitter 12.7.2018: “No deal Brexit looks exactly like the Brexit I voted for.” (8)

On Twitter 16.1.2019: “Come on @theresa_may You may have really p*ssed on my chips over Brexit. But you are one tough, tenacious bird. And I completely admire you for enduring and withstanding it all. You go girlfriend. Grip that lectern like a sausage in a roll. And Sock it to them.” (8)


1) “Jacob Rees-Mogg hosts champagne party after May Brexit defeat” The Guardian 16.1.2019

2) Jacob Rees-Mogg on Twitter:

3) “Beer and Brexit with Jacob Rees-Mogg” The UK in a Changing Europe 16.1.2019

4) Nigel Farage on Twitter:

5) “Political establishment fighting over their preferred method of stopping Brexit says UKIP Leader” National UKIP News 14.1.2019

6) “‘The British people will never surrender!’ – UKIP Leader tells EU Parliament” National UKIP News 16.1.2019

7) “‘We are the forgotten voices!’ Hopkins blasts ‘Londonistan’ saying Brexiteers need Trump” Express 3.8.2017

8) Katie Hopkins on Twitter: