US Senate approves anti-BDS bill

The US Senate approved new anti-BDS bill by votes of 77-23, yesterday. The bill will be sent to the House of Representatives where it will probably face new debate. The only Republican who voted against the bill was Senator Rand Paul. (1, 2) He said:

“Our country was founded upon the concept and in the midst of a great boycott. At the time, we were boycotting British goods and most specifically, British tea. There is likely nothing more American than to protest, to dissent and to boycott.”

“The sad thing today is that we will be debating whether or not to place limitations on the First Amendment right to boycott, and we will do it because the vast majority of this body disagrees with the concept of what the people are boycotting over.” (1)

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders said last week:

“While I do not support the BDS movement, we must defend every American’s constitutional right to engage in political activity. It is clear to me that this bill would violate Americans’ First Amendment rights.” (2)


1) “US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal” Al Jazeera 6.2.2019

2) “Senate approves Syria, anti-BDS bill” The Hill 5.2.2019

The planned anti-BDS bill in USA

There have been interesting developments regarding the new planned anti-BDS bill “Combating BDS Act” introduced by Republican senator Marco Rubio. The bill targeting boycott, divestment and sanctions movement BDS is considered to be highly controversial and liberals, progressives, civil liberties organizations and prominent Democrats oppose the bill (1, 2). Senator Diane Feinstein said that the bill would be unconstitutional (3). The anti-BDS bill was stalled, partially because of the government shutdown, on Tuesday. However, Senator Rubio tweeted that he would try to organize another vote (4). Zack Beauchamp noted that the controversy regarding the bill shows how the two main parties’ approaches to Israel is changing:

“Support for Israel, so long a bipartisan issue, is becoming polarized, with Republicans willing to back Israel virtually unconditionally while Democrats are more willing to question Israeli policy and US support for it. “ (5)


1)”Marco Rubio accuses Rashida Tlaib of anti-Semitism in battle over anti-free-speech pro-Israel bill” Alternet 9.1.2019

2) “Senate anti-BDS bill slammed as ‘absurd’ amid US government shutdown” Middle East Eye 7.1.2019

3) “US Senator calls anti-BDS act unconstitutional” Daily Sabah 9.1.2019

4) “Anti-BDS measure stalled in US Senate but ‘will come back'” Al Jazeera 9.1.2019

5) “The controversy over laws punishing Israel boycotts, explained” Vox 9.1.2019