The arrogance of some Americans vs. some differing thoughts

(1) “Will the UN ceasefire resolution stop Israel’s war on Gaza?” Al Jazeera 26.3.2024

(2) “Pelosi condemned for suggesting pro-Palestinian activists have ties to Russia” The Guardian 30.1.2024

(3) “Biden Expresses ‘Hope’ for Gaza Ceasefire While Eating Ice Cream With Seth Meyers” TIME 27.2.2024

(4) “Thomas Friedman: Dehumanisation par excellence amid a genocide” Al Jazeera 17.2.2024

(5) “Attacking Biden, Ben Gvir says Trump would have been more supportive of Israel” The Times of Israel 4.2.2024

(6) “Top Trump advisor Amb. David Friedman suggests a ‘one-state solution’ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” All Israel News 1.3.2024

(7) “Jared Kushner: Gaza could be a valuable ‘waterfront property'” Middle East Eye 19.3.2024

(8) “Trump warns Israel that it’s ‘losing a lot of support’” Politico 25.3.2024

(9) “US uses loophole to keep 100 arms sales to Israel under the radar amid Gaza war – report” The Guardian 7.3.2024

(10) “US overlooks Israeli abuses in Gaza to justify arms transfers: Advocates” Al Jazeera 27.3.2024

(11) “Arab countries do not want to rebuild Gaza if it is ‘leveled again’: Blinken” Anadolu Agency 17.1.2024

(12) “Satellite images show 35% of Gaza’s buildings destroyed, UN says” Middle East Monitor 13.3.2024

(13) “Majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s war against Hamas: Poll” The Hill 27.3.2024

(14) “A speech that sent shockwaves from Washington to Jerusalem” CNN 15.3.2024

(15) “Jon Stewart On Israel – Palestine” The Daily Show 27.2.2024

(16) “Jon Stewart On Israel – Palestine on The Daily Show” – Happy Scribe 27.2.2024

(17) “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls Israeli Gaza campaign an ‘unfolding genocide’” The Guardian 23.3.2024

(18) “Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Is ‘Complicit’ in Israeli ‘Genocide’ in Gaza” National Review 17.3.2024

Israel’s other plan to ethnically cleanse Palestinians

(1) “Israel minister: We will invade Rafah even if the whole world is against us” Middle East Monitor 22.3.2024

(2) “Netanyahu says Israel will enter Rafah with or without US support” The Hill 22.3.2024

(3) “War on Gaza: Netanyahu ‘suggests new US-built port could help deport Palestinians'” Middle East Eye 20.3.2024

(4) “War on Gaza: Israel is dragging the US into a future regional war” Middle East Eye 21.3.2024

What is the endgame of Israel and its allies?

(1) “Saudi Arabia calls for ‘urgent’ UN Security Council meeting to prevent Israeli invasion toward Rafah” Middle East Monitor 10.2.2024

(2) “Satellite images show 30% of Gaza destroyed, UN centre says” Middle East Monitor 2.2.2024

(3) “Israel says war in Gaza expected to continue throughout 2024” BBC 1.1.2024

(4) “Netanyahu rejects Gaza ceasefire deal and says victory is ‘within reach’” The Guardian 7.2.2024

(5) “ICJ rules Israel must prevent acts of genocide in Gaza: Key takeaways” Al Jazeera 26.1.2024

(6) “Intent in the genocide case against Israel is not hard to prove” Al Jazeera 14.1.2024

(7) “Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated” Law For Palestine 4.1.2024

(8) “Israel’s campaign in Gaza ‘plausibly’ amounts to genocide, US court finds” The Guardian 1.2.2024

(9) “Euro-Med submits findings on Israeli army executions in Gaza to ICC, UN, calling them ‘genocide'” Middle East Monitor 26.12.2023

(10) “100 lawyers in Chile call on ICC to probe Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza” Middle East Monitor 9.1.2024

(11) “War on Gaza: Mexico and Chile request ICC probe over possible Israeli war crimes in Gaza” Middle East Eye 19.1.2024

(12) “Gallant responds to ICJ: ‘Israel does not need lecture on morality’” Middle East Monitor 27.1.2024

(13) “Netanyahu says Israel will continue war in Gaza despite ICJ ruling” Middle East Monitor 26.1.2024

(14) “US says genocide case against Israel ‘meritless’, ‘galling'” Middle East Monitor 9.1.2021

(15) “US doubles down on dismissing genocide claim despite ICJ ruling” Middle East Eye 26.1.2024

(16) “David Cameron Says It Is ‘Nonsense’ To Claim Israel Is Committing Genocide In Gaza” Yahoo News 14.1.2024

(17) “Keir Starmer says Israel has right to carry out siege on Gaza” Middle East Monitor 4.1.2024

(18) “German military exports to Israel up nearly 10-fold as Berlin fast-tracks permits” Reuters 8.11.2023

(19 )”Germany to intervene in genocide case against Israel: Official” Middle East Monitor 12.1.2024

(20) “Germany says Israel must comply with UN court’s Gaza ruling” Anadolu Ajansi 26.1.2024

(21) “Former Knesset member says Gazans must be forced out of Gaza for Israel’s survival” Middle East Monitor 29.12.2023

(22) “Ex-Mossad deputy director proposes resettling Gaza’s entire population globally” Middle East Monitor 4.11.2023

(23) “Netanyahu pushes for ‘voluntary migration’ for Palestinians in Gaza: Israeli media” Middle East Monitor 26.12.2023

(24) “Israeli minister reiterates calls for Palestinians to leave Gaza” Al Jazeera 31.12.2023

(25) “Israel in talks with Congo and other countries on Gaza ‘voluntary migration’ plan” The Times of Israel 3.1.2024

(26) “War on Gaza: Israel ‘negotiating with African states’ to receive exiled Palestinians” Middle East Eye 3.1.2024

(27) “Intelligence Ministry ‘concept paper’ proposes transferring Gazans to Egypt’s Sinai” The Times of Israel 31.10.2023

(28) “Israeli diplomat: There’s endless space in Egypt’s Sinai Desert for Gaza’s civilians” Middle East Monitor 14.10.2023

(29) “ANALYSIS – ‘Deal of Century’ and the plan to relocate Palestinians” Anadolu Ajansi 28.1.2020

(30) “What Republican presidential candidates are saying about the Israel-Hamas war” NPR 18.10.2023

(31) “Israel-Palestine war: White House accused of endorsing Palestinian displacement in budget request” Middle East Eye 27.10.2023

(32) “Egypt’s Sisi: Displacing Palestinians to Sinai could ignite a war with Israel” Middle East Monitor 19.10.2023

(33) “Arab FMs reject displacement of Palestinians to Egypt, Jordan” Middle East Monitor 10.11.2023

(34) “Herzog joins top Israeli officials to reject two-state deal in snub to US” TRT World December 2023

(35) “Netanyahu defies Biden, insisting there’s ‘no space’ for Palestinian state” The Guardian 20.1.2024

(36) “Netanyahu: Only greater Israel will exist from ‘river to the sea’” Middle East Monitor 19.1.2024

(37) “Israeli ministers join gathering calling for resettlement of Gaza” Al Jazeera 29.1.2024

(38) “‘Unprecedented surge’ in settlement activity in West Bank since war on Gaza” Middle East Monitor 10.1.2024

(39) “Silent occupation: Are Zionists attempting to expand into Cyprus island?” TRT World January 2024

(40) “When it comes to the Israeli-led ‘war on terror’, follow the money” Al Jazeera 19.11.2023

(41) “The Companies Profiting from Israel’s 2023-2024 Attacks on Gaza” American Friends Service Committee AFSC January 2024

(42) “Trudeau Government Authorized $28.5 Million Of New Military Exports To Israel Since October” The Maple 10.2.2024

(43) “Europe ‘aiding and assisting’ Israel’s war in Gaza with key weapons” Euronews 3.11.2023

(44) “Israel-Palestine war: Israel wants to seize Gaza’s multibillion dollar gas field” Middle East Eye 15.11.2023

(45) “Biden joins international calls for Israel to halt planned Rafah offensive” The Guardian 12.2.2024

(46) “UN: We will not be party to the forced evacuation of Palestinians from Rafah” Middle East Monitor 13.2.2024

Israel on a collision course – Part 2

(1) “Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel” The White HouseBriefing Room 7.10.2023

(2) “Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran say Israel has only itself to blame for Hamas attacks” The Hill 7.10.2023

(3) “28% of Israelis considering leaving the country amid judicial upheaval – poll” The Times of Israel 26.7.2023

(4) “Israel’s hugely controversial ‘nation-state’ law, explained” Vox 31.7.2018

(5) “Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is ‘not a state of all its citizens’” The Guardian 10.3.2019

(6) “Half of Jewish Israelis believe they should have ‘more rights than non-Jews'” Middle East Eye 16.1.2023

(7) “Palestinian killed during settler assault on West Bank town” Reuters 6.10.2023

(8) “Rights group warns of ‘sharp rise’ in violence against Palestinians by Israel settlers” Middle East Monitor 5.10.2023

(9) “More than 200 Palestinians, nearly 30 Israelis killed so far this year: UN” Al Jazeera 22.8.2023

(10) “HRW confirm huge spike in Israel killings of Palestinian children” Middle East Monitor 28.8.2023

(11) “Jerusalem: Catholic patriarch decries spike in anti-Christian attacks by Israelis” Middle East Eye 14.4.2023

(12) “Israel: Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem ‘not criminal’, says Ben Gvir” Middle East Eye 4.10.2023

(13) “Annexation: Transferring the Civil Administration from the Minister of Defense to the Minister of Settlement” The Institute for National Security Studies INSS 13.12.2022

(14) “Israel Is Officially Annexing the West Bank” Foreign Policy 8.6.2023

(15) “2023 sets record for settlement construction and outpost legalization – watchdog” The Times of Israel 8.8.2023

(16) “Fact Sheet: The Religious Zionism Coalition” Institute for Middle East Understanding IMEU 16.11.2022

(17) “Israeli Prime Minister declares Jerusalem ‘eternal, undivided’ capital as controversial US embassy opens” ITV News 14.5.2018

(18) “Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal would bury the two-state solution” The Guardian 7.4.2019

(19) “Palestinians must not have veto over Arab-Israel deals, Netanyahu tells UN” Al Jazeera 22.9.2023

(20) “Full text of Netanyahu’s UN address: ‘On the cusp of historic Saudi-Israel peace’” The Times of Israel 22.9.2023

(21) “Jewish supremacy is state policy, says Netanyahu” Middle East Monitor 3.1.2023

(22) “Israel’s Smotrich: ‘There’s no such thing as Palestinians'” Middle East Eye 20.3.2023

(23) “Israel’s far-right PM candidate seeks to annex Gaza, West Bank” Al Jazeera 3.4.2019

(24) “Israeli far-right minister leads incursion of Al-Aqsa compound” Al Jazeera 27.7.2023

(25) “Hundreds of Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa complex on 5th day of Sukkot holiday” Anadolu Agency 5.10.2023

(26) “The Grand Mufti warns of a religious war due to escalation in Israeli aggression against Al-Aqsa Mosque” WAFA News Agency 8.6.2023

(27) “Jordan sends ‘memo of protest’ to Israel over Al-Aqsa settler incursions” Middle East Monitor 4.10.2023

(28) “Arab ministers urge Israel to resume talks on two-state solution” The Guardian 11.10.2023

(29) “Jordan’s king: There will not be peace in region without sovereign Palestinian state” Al Arabiya 11.10.2023

Israel on a collision course

The events in Israel have taken an extraordinary turn after Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition government rose to power at the end of last year. Hundreds of thousands Israelis have protested during 11 Saturdays against Netanyahu’s government’s political decisions and plan to complete judicial overhaul. The government’s plan “will allow the Knesset to override court decisions with the barest majority, preemptively shield laws from judicial oversight altogether, and put the selection of all judges in the hands of coalition politicians”. According to opponents, the plan will “drastically weaken Israel’s democratic character, remove a key element of its checks and balances and leave minorities unprotected”. Violence against the protesters seems to escalate. (1) Some opponents have also said that Netanyahu’s far-right government is planning a “coup” and Israel is in danger of becoming a “dictatorship” or “fascist theocracy” (2, 3, 4, 5, 6). President of Israel Isaac Herzog warned last week that civil war in Israel is “within touching distance” (7).

More moderate and liberal members of Jewish diaspora have been worried about Netanyahu’s government. Large amount of liberal American Jewish leaders and Jewish organizations have opposed the judicial overhaul and other actions of the government. British Labour MP Margaret Hodge wrote, “Netanyahu has brought Israel to a dangerous moment. We, the Jewish diaspora, cannot just stand by.” (8, 9, 10) Over 100 former Israeli diplomats have expressed their concern that Netanyahu’s government will harm foreign ties (11). The USA and UAE have put their planned meetings with Netanyahu on hold (12). President Biden told Netanyahu yesterday that he backs compromise regarding the judicial overhaul. Netanyahu has claimed to Biden and some European leaders that Israel will remain a democracy. (13, 14, 15) At the same time a rift has emerged between Netanyahu’s government and some Western states. According to recent media reports, a senior Israeli government official claimed without any evidence that the mass protests against the government’s judicial overhaul have been partially funded by the Biden administration (16). Netanyahu has also asked all cabinet ministers to avoid traveling to USA and to avoid meeting US government officials, until Biden invites him to the USA (17). Israel has also signaled that European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell is not welcome to Israel after he has criticized Israel’s actions (18). Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen has claimed that the EU is interfering in Israeli domestic affairs, for example after the EU parliament organized a debate titled “Deterioration of democracy in Israel and consequences on the occupied territories.” (19)


1) “As violence against protesters escalates, opposition blames Netanyahu’s ‘incitement’” The Times of Israel 18.3.2023

2) “Israel: Netanyahu moves a step closer with ‘judicial coup’ bill in parliament” Middle East Eye 14.3.2023

3) “Hundreds of elite IDF reservists stop showing up for duty over judicial overhaul” The Times of Israel 19.3.2023

4) “Here comes the new regime in Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘democratic dictatorship’” The Times of Israel 12.1.2023

5) “Israel’s former spy chief warns that country could turn into a ‘dictatorship'” Middle East Eye 17.3.2023

6) “Tel Aviv mayor warns Israel heading toward a fascist theocracy” The Times of Israel 2.12.2022

7) “Israeli president warns of civil war as Netanyahu rejects judicial compromise” The Guardian 16.3.2023

8) “169 liberal US Jewish leaders sign letter expressing concern over Israeli government” The Times of Israel 1.2.2023

9) “In highly unusual move, major US Jewish group decries proposed judicial overhaul” The Times of Israel 21.2.2023

10) “Netanyahu has brought Israel to a dangerous moment. We, the Jewish diaspora, cannot just stand by” The Guardian 3.3.2023

11) “Over 100 ex-Israel diplomats fear Netanyahu gov’t will harm foreign ties” Middle East Monitor 30.12.2022

12) “Invites for Netanyahu to visit US, UAE on hold as discomfort with government grows” The Times of Israel 16.2.2023

13) “Israel: Biden tells Netanyahu he backs compromise on judicial overhaul” Middle East Eye 19.3.2023

14) “Macron warns Netanyahu over judicial overhaul, settlements” The Times of Israel 3.2.2023

15) “On Berlin visit, Netanyahu denies he’s working to curtail independence of judiciary” The Times of Israel 16.3.2023

16) “Source close to Netanyahu accuses US of funding rallies against judicial overhaul” The Times of Israel 12.3.2023

17) “Netanyahu said to bar ministers from meeting US officials until Biden invites him” The Times of Israel 15.3.2023

18) “Israel signals EU foreign policy chief unwelcome in Israel” The Times of Israel 16.3.2023

19) “EU foreign policy head defends parliamentary debate on Israel as tough love” The Times of Israel 15.3.2023

Trump’s “deal of the century”

On Tuesday, President Trump unveiled his Middle East plan, also dubbed as “deal of the century”, with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (1). As expected, this blatantly biased plan didn’t get many glowing reviews. Here are some examples of the reactions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 28.1.2020 (2):

“It’s a great plan for Israel.  It’s a great plan for peace.  Frankly, Mr. President, given all that you have already done for Israel, I’m not surprised.  You have been the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House.”

“Your historic decisions to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights; to reaffirm Israel’s legal claims in Judea and Samaria; to stand up to Iran; to pull out of that dangerous Iran deal; to confront — “confront” is not the word — to eliminate Qasem Soleimani — to support and encourage unbelievable cooperation between Israel and the United States in the military and strategic and intelligence fields — all this bear testament to the friendship and depth of your leadership and commitment to Israel.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 29.1.2020 (3):

“No peace plan is perfect but this has the merit of a two state solution. It is a two state solution. It would ensure that Jerusalem is both the capital of Israel and of the Palestinian people.”

EU High representative Josep Borrell 28.1.2020 (4):

“The European Union will study and assess the proposals put forward. This will be done on the basis of the EU’s established position and its firm and united commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution that takes into account the legitimate aspirations of both the Palestinians and the Israelis, respecting all relevant UN resolutions and internationally agreed parameters.

UN Secretary-General, note to correspondents 28.1.2020 (5):

“The Secretary-General has seen the announcement of the United States plan for the Middle East. The position of the United Nations on the two-State solution has been defined, throughout the years, by relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions by which the Secretariat is bound.
The United Nations remains committed to supporting Palestinians and Israelis to resolve the conflict on the basis of United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements and realizing the vision of two States – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders, on the basis of the pre-1967 lines.”

UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk 31.1.2020 (6):

“The Trump plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a lopsided proposal entirely in favour of one side to the conflict.”

“What the Trump plan offers is a one and a half state solution. This Potemkin state – lacking most of the commonly understood attributes of sovereignty beyond the right to fly its flag and issue stamps – would become an entirely new entity in the annals of modern political science.”

“This is not a recipe for a just and durable peace but rather endorses the creation of a 21st century Bantustan in the Middle East. The Palestinian statelet envisioned by the American plan would be scattered archipelagos of non-contiguous territory completely surrounded by Israel, with no external borders, no control over its airspace, no right to a military to defend its security, no geographic basis for a viable economy, no freedom of movement and with no ability to complain to international judicial forums against Israel or the United States.”

Turkey’s National Security Council (MGK) 30.1.2020 (7):

“The U.S.’ so-called peace plan aims to legitimize occupation, destruction and oppression of Palestine.”

“The only solution is the establishment of an independent Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

The Arab League, part of statement 1.2.2020 (8):

“(The Arab League) rejects the US-Israeli ‘deal of the century’ considering that it does not meet the minimum rights and aspirations of Palestinian people.”

The Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit 1.2.2020 (9):

“The plan leads to a status that amounts to a one-state situation that comprises two classes of citizens, that is apartheid, in which the Palestinians will be second-class citizens, deprived of the basic rights of citizenship.”

“(The U.S. proposal) does not bring about stability or build peace, but sows the seeds for another 100 years of conflict and suffering.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, regarding cutting all ties with USA and Israel 1.2.2020 (10):

“We’ve informed the Israeli side … that there will be no relations at all with them and the United States including security ties.”

“I will never accept this solution. I will not have it recorded in my history that I have sold Jerusalem.”


1) “This is what Donald Trump’s Middle East plan looks like” Al Jazeera 28.1.2020

2) “Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of the State of Israel in Joint Statements” White House 28.1.2020

3) “Boris Johnson praises Donald Trump’s plan for peace in the Middle East as he hits out at Jeremy Corbyn for being ‘characteristically negative’ about the blueprint” Daily Mail 29.1.2020

4) “EU responds to Trump’s Middle East peace plan” 29.1.2020

5) “Note to correspondents: In respond to questions on the Middle East” United Nations Secretary-General 28.1.2020

6) “Israel / OPT: UN expert alarmed by ‘lopsided’ Trump plan, says will entrench occupation” United Nations OHCHR 31.1.2020

7) “Trump’s Mideast plan aims to legitimize destruction of Palestine: Turkey’s National Security Council” Daily Sabah 30.1.2020

8) “Arab League rejects Trump’s Middle East plan” Al Jazeera 1.2.2020

9) “Trump’s Mideast plan amounts to ‘apartheid’, Arab League says” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

10) “Palestine cuts all ties with Israel and US” Daily Sabah 1.2.2020

How right-wing populists and extremists use Christianity

Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of American religious magazine Christianity Today, wrote last week that President Trump is “morally lost” and should be removed from the office (1). Trump lashed out at the magazine in his tweets (2):

“A far left magazine, or very ‘progressive,’ as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President.”

During recent years right-wing populists and extremists have used Christianity to promote their own ideology and to justify their actions. For example, Hungarian far-right leader Viktor Orbán has used Christianity to strengthen his authoritarian control. Some years ago, Orbán wanted to build “an illiberal, a non-liberal state”, but recently he has called his country “a Christian democracy” (3, 4). Dutch far-right politician and infamous Islamophobe Geert Wilders has wanted to enshrine “the dominance of the Judeo-Christian tradition” in the Dutch constitution (5). Far-right groups and parties in many countries have organized anti-immigration and anti-Muslim demonstrations and political stunts on the pretext of defending Christianity or Judeo-Christian values. For example, German far-right anti-immigration and anti-Muslim movement PEGIDA has had religion-themed demonstrations in front of Frauenkirche in Dresden, British far-right group Britain First has organized “Christian Patrols”, French far-right party National Rally (former National Front) has organized commemoration march for their Catholic saint Joan of Arc, Italian far-right party Northern League had a political rally where their leader Matteo Salvini swore to “put the gospel into action” and Spanish far-right party Vox vowed to start a new “reconquista” (reference to the era when Christians defeated the Moors and “reconquered” Southern Spain). (6, 7, 8) In USA, among the myriad of right-wing populist and extremist groups there are also extreme anti-abortion, anti-government and even anti-taxation militias who find excuse for their violent actions from the Bible (9).

Steve Bannon, former chief strategist of President Trump, tried to get European far-right leaders to join his organization The Movement, but that operation hasn’t been as successful as he expected. However, Bannon also has another elaborate plan: he wants to educate next generation of far-right leaders, or “culture warriors”, at an “academy for the Judeo-Christian West” in Italy. The academy would be run by a right-wing Catholic think thank Dignitatis Humanae Institute which was founded by Bannon’s close associate Benjamin Harnwell. The academy would become a “school for gladiators” and it would offer instruction in theology, philosophy, history and politics but it also would “institutionalize the thoughts and political insights of Steve Bannon.” However, the project has run into difficulties with Italian government. (11, 12, 14) American Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was named honorary president of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, resigned. In his resignation letter Cardinal Burke wrote (13):

“In recent times it (i.e. the institute) has become more and more identified with the political program of Mr Bannon. While I have urged the institute to return to its original purpose of promoting the respect of human dignity it has not done so… I have therefore, effective immediately, terminated any relationship with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute.”

Bannon has also tried to build opposition against Pope Francis. Bannon advised Italian far-right leader Matteo Salvini to attack the pope over the issue of migration and refugees. Pope Francis has made the plight of refugees important part of his papacy and he has asked for compassion towards migrants. Bannon sees Pope Francis as “enemy.” (14)

Also other people close to Trump have used Christianity in their endeavors. When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave his speech in Cairo, Egypt, in January, he said (15):

“In my office, I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and His Word, and The Truth.

And it’s the truth, lower-case “t,” that I’m here to talk about today. It is a truth that isn’t often spoken in this part of the world, but because I’m a military man by training, I’ll be very blunt and direct today: America is a force for good in the Middle East.”

Pompeo also believes that it is possible that President Trump could be a new “Queen Esther” who will save Jews from “the Iranian menace.” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks that evangelical Christians, such as Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo, are actually more reliable allies of Israel than liberal American Jews. (16) Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow and his family run many non-profit organizations, for example Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism (CASE). It has turned out that the Sekulow family has used tens of millions of dollars of the money that was donated to their organizations for their own vast salaries as well as unusual loans and property deals. (17, 18) Sekulow is the leader of Trump’s personal legal team and his son Jordan is also member of the team (19, 20).

Even though right-wing populists and extremists use Christianity in their political activities and propaganda, polls suggest that their supporters are actually disproportionately irreligious. Church attendance seems to be one of the strongest statistical predictors for voting against the populist far right. (6) Many Christian religious leaders have condemned the use of Christianity in the far-right propaganda and hate mongering (6, 7). There is also a lot of interfaith dialogue and cooperation organized by United Nations and many other international and national organizations, for example Parliament of the World’s Religions, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) and National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland (CORE Forum). (21, 22, 23, 24)


1) “Calling Trump ‘Morally Lost’, ‘Christianity Today’ Editor Calls For His Removal” NPR 20.12.2019

2) “Trump attacks Christianity Today over bruising editorial” The Hill 20.12.2019

3) “Full text of Viktor Orbán’s speech at Băile Tuşnad (Tusnádfürdő) of 26 July 2014” The Budapest Beacon 29.7.2014

4) “Orbán deploys Christianity with a twist to tighten grip in Hungary” The Guardian 14.7.2019

5) “Can Geert Wilders be more than the Netherlands’ agitator-in-chief?” The Guardian 8.3.2017

6) “Defenders of faith: why right-wing populists are embracing religion” New Statesman 30.5.2018

7) “Britain First’s Bury Park ‘Christian Patrol’ In Luton Condemned As ‘Intimidating’ And ‘Inflaming Tensions'” Huffington Post 26.1.2016

8) “The rise of Spanish far-right party Vox shines light into the dark corners of the country’s politics” The National 5.1.2019

9) “Holy Hate: The Far Right’s Radicalization of Religion” Southern Poverty Law Center 10.2.2018’s-radicalization-religion

10) “Steve Bannon’s stuttering European adventure” Politico 19.4.2019

11) “Italy disrupts Steve Bannon’s plan for a right-wing academy in a monastery” The Washington Post 31.5.2019

12) “Culture ministry failed to vet right-wing religious group close to Steve Bannon” The Art Newspaper 27.11.2019

13) “Cardinal Burke resigns from Dignitatis Humanae Institute” Independent Catholic News 27.6.2019

14) “Steve Bannon ‘told Italy’s populist leader: Pope Francis is the enemy'” The Guardian 13.4.2019

15) “A Force for Good: America Reinvigorated in the Middle East” U.S. Virtual Embassy Iran 10.1.2019

16) “The Rapture and the Real World: Mike Pompeo Blends Beliefs and Policy” The New York Times 30.3.2019

17) “Trump lawyer’s firm steered millions in donations to family members, files show” The Guardian 27.6.2017

18) “Who Is Jay Sekulow? Trump Attorney Funnels Millions to His Family Through Nonprofits” Right Wing Watch 7.3.2019

19) “Trump’s personal attorneys remain largely on the sidelines as the president contends with the impeachment inquiry” The Washington Post 3.12.2019

20) “Jordan Sekulow: President’s legal team working on two theories to bolster defense against impeachment” Fox News 21.12.2019

21) World Interfaith Harmony Week United Nations

22) Parliament of the World’s Religions


24) CORE Forum

The hardline American-Israeli alliance

The situation in USA and Israel, and now also in Britain, is quite extraordinary. USA and Britain have been seen as strong, some might say leading democracies, but the recent developments are worrying. As the right-wing parties in all these three countries have been veering more and more to the right, there are signs that the traditional parliamentary democracy and the rule of law are not respected, anymore. Trump has campaigned right from the beginning against the traditional American political system and “elite.” Nigel Farage, friend of Trump, regular guest on Fox News and leader of the far-right Brexit party, has repeatedly talked about the need for a “revolution.” (1, 2, 3) In the election manifesto of the British Conservative Party there is a mention:

“After Brexit we also need to look at the broader aspects of our constitution: the relationship between the Government, Parliament and the courts; the functioning of the Royal Prerogative; the role of the House of Lords; and access to justice for ordinary people.” (4, page 48)

Many political decisions seem to favor industrialists and other super-rich, for example tax cuts introduced by President Trump, his climate change denial and changes to environmental legislation (5, 6, 7, 8). In Britain, the Conservative party is now dependent on ultra-rich pro-Brexit donors (9). Xenophobia, racism and all kinds of hate crimes have increased significantly (10, 11). Where is this all leading to? Is there a possibility that we will see emergence of a new political regime, or “empire”, that is some sort of combination of laissez-faire capitalism and fascism ? A far-right plutocracy?

The first casualty has probably been the truth. The right-wing populist leaders in these countries – and elsewhere – are a new breed, not only do they make false claims and promises but they also do it without shame. Alastair Campbell, who worked as director of communications for Tony Blair, said that President Trump, Prime Minister Johnson and others like them have shown that we have moved from post-truth to post-shame (12). Also, the current political leaders of all these three countries – President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Johnson – are facing possible trial because of their dubious activities (13, 14, 15).

Here are more of my novice observations of the situation in each of the three countries. First, USA. One of the key slogans Donald Trump used during his first presidential campaign was, “Drain the swamp!” Trump promised to clean Washington from old political elite and make the American government “honest once again” (1). However, President Trump has surrounded himself with far-right figures and politicians with connections to anti-Muslim and other hate groups (16, 17, 18, 19). He has also hired super-rich and corporate lobbyists, he even has rewarded some of his billionaire supporters by giving them role as ambassadors – in Gordon Sondland’s case, that didn’t turn out to be such a wise decision, as we have seen during the impeachment hearings. Trump claimed that the impeachment inquiry is “an attempted coup” (20, 21, 22, 23, 24). Another Trump’s slogan has been, “America first” (25). During Trump’s presidency, USA has decided to leave international organizations and agreements, for example UNESCO, Palestinian aid organization UNRWA and the Paris climate agreement (26, 27, 28). Furthermore, Trump has now attacked World Trade Organization WTO and forced it’s top court to shut down (29, 30, 31). Trump also criticized World Bank for loaning money to China (32). During his interview last summer, Trump said that the EU is a competitor and therefore “a foe” just like Russia and China (33). Trump is arguably the most pro-Israel president USA has ever had. During Israeli American Council national summit last week, Trump declared that he is Israel’s best friend in the White House (34). Trump has made several political decisions that were favorable to Israel, including the decision to leave UNICEF and UNRWA. Trump has also recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and he transferred US Embassy there. Trump also said that the occupied Golan Heights belong to Israel (35, 36). Prime Minister Netanyahu revealed that he talked about American-Israeli mutual defense pact and annexation of Jordan Valley with Secretary of State Pompeo during their recent meeting in Lisbon, Portugal – curiously enough, USA denied this (37).

Benjamin Netanyahu has become the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Israel. He has cooperated with right-wing populists and far right in Israel and elsewhere – in Europe, Brazil and with Trump. (38, 39, 40) Former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that Netanyahu used “Machiavellian” tactics in order to “play” Trump (41). Netanyahu’s political campaigns have also caused controversy. Facebook suspended Netanyahu’s campaign page briefly in September because of an inflammatory message regarding Arabs (42). Netanyahu has vowed to annex the Jordan Valley and rest of the West Bank, if he will be able to continue as prime minister. However, the recent elections in Israel have been a very tight race and Netanyahu hasn’t been able to form a government (37). After Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced criminal charges against him, last month, Netanyahu accused the judiciary, the police and others of attempted “coup.” During protests, Netanyahu’s supporters called him “the king of Israel.” (43, 44)

In a way, the dramatic and worrying developments in the American-Israeli alliance can be seen particularly well in Britain, where Boris Johnson’s carefully choreographed rise to power, his controversial decision to prorogue the parliament and his aggressive populistic rhetoric have started a new era in British politics. (45, 46, 47) Some of the key traits of Boris Johnson are his casual, populistic hatemongering and his complete untrustworthiness. Johnson has become infamous for his offensive and inflammatory comments about women, EU, EU citizens, ethnic minorities, Muslims and many others (48, 49, 50, 51). However, he has said in interviews that he is strongly pro-Israel and “passionate Zionist” (52). Lord Cooper, who worked for former PM David Cameron, described Johnson like this (53):

“The rottenness of Boris Johnson goes deeper even than his casual racism and his equally casual courting of fascism. He will advocate literally anything to play to the crowd of the moment. His career is a saga of moral emptiness and lies; pathetic, weak and needy; the opposite of strong.”

Peter Oborne and a group of other journalists have started a facts check website regarding Johnson’s lies. Oborne wrote yesterday that Johnson’s Conservatives are “a revolutionary sect” (54, 55). Alexandra Hall Hall, lead envoy for Brexit in the British Embassy in USA, resigned last week. In her letter of resignation she wrote (56):

“I have been increasingly dismayed by the way in which our political leaders have tried to deliver Brexit, with reluctance to address honestly, even with our own citizens, the challenges and trade-offs which Brexit involves; the use of misleading or disingenuous arguments about the implications of the various options before us; and some behaviour towards our institutions, which, were it happening in another country, we would almost certainly as diplomats have received instructions to register our concern”.

“It makes our job to promote democracy and the rule of law that much harder, if we are not seen to be upholding these core values at home.”

“I am also at a stage in life where I would prefer to do something more rewarding with my time, than peddle half-truths on behalf of a government I do not trust.”

Also Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland and key ally of the Conservative Party, said on Monday that Johnson had betrayed their trust (57).

President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Johnson will have to fight for their political survival in the coming days. Johnson will be the first one to face the test during the general election today. Just like during the Conservative leadership race in the summer, Johnson has tried to avoid too much scrunity by refusing to take part to some televised debates and interviews (58, 59). Johnson, Trump and Netanyahu also seem to have wanted to avoid each other. Johnson and Trump were not planning to have a formal meeting during recent NATO summit in London. However, they met at 10 Downing Street (60, 61). Prime Minister Netanyahu was planning to travel to the NATO summit, but that trip was cancelled due to “logistical problems.” Netanyahu met Secretary of State Pompeo in Lisbon, instead. (62, 63) When Trump spoke to the Israeli American Council, last weekend, he didn’t mention Netanyahu (64).


1) “Here’s what Trump means when he says ‘drain the swamp’ – even though it’s not an accurate metaphor” Business Insider 12.11.2016

2) “Farage hired by Fox News as a political analyst” BBC 20.1.2017

3) “General election Brexit Party policies: Farage launched ‘political revolution for ordinary people'” Sky News 22.11.2019

4) “Get Brexit Done – Unleash Britain’s Potential” Conservative party election manifesto 2019

5) “Here’s who is saving the most money from Trump’s tax cuts” CNBC 23.9.2019

6) “Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time” The Guardian 9.10.2019

7) “As Trump Administration Downplays Warming, Agencies Chronicle Climate Impacts” Scientific American 9.10.2019

8) “85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump” The New York Times 12.9.2019

9) “The Tory party is so dependent on big money it now represents only a tiny elite” The Guardian 9.12.2019

10) “Hate crime violence in US hit 16-year high in 2018: FBI” Al Jazeera 14.11.2019

11) “Hate crimes double in five years in England and Wales” The Guardian 15.10.2019

12) “From Trump to Boris Johnson, we’re moving from post-truth to post-shame” The Guardian 15.7.2019

13) “Trump impeachment: Democrats unveil formal charges” BBC 10.12.2019

14) “Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu will be indicted on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust” CNN 22.11.2019

15) “Anger as police decision on Boris Johnson’s Jennifer Arcuri scandal is ‘shelved’ until after election” i news 10.11.2019

16) “Anti-Muslim” (hate groups) Southern Poverty Law Center

17) “The Alt-Right’s Love Affair With Trump Is Over. Here’s Why.” Vice 9.7.2019

18) “Here are the extremist figures going to the White House social media summit” Media Matters 9.7.2019

19) “Stephen Miller: why is Trump’s white nationalist aide untouchable?” The Guardian 4.12.2019

20) “Trump and His Cabinet Net Worth” The Balance 13.3.2019

21) “Trump says he’s draining the swamp as he fills Cabinet with ex-lobbyists” CBS News 20.7.2019

22) “Trump’s Ambassadors Are Uniquely Unqualified. The Ukraine Scandal Proves It” Mother Jones 14.11.2019

23) “Republicans Turn Up Heat on Gordon Sondland in Impeachment Hearing” Time 10.12.2019

24) “Donald Trump has claimed multiple times that he’s the victim of an attempted coup” Newsweek 2.10.2019

25) “Trump hammers home ‘America First’ ideology at UN” Politico 24.9.2019

26) “US and Israel formally quit UNESCO” Al Jazeera 1.1.2019

27) “In one move, Trump eliminated US funding for UNRWA and the US role as Mideast peacemaker” Brookings 7.9.2018

28) “Is the United States Really Leaving the Paris Climate Agreement?” Foreign Policy 5.11.2019

29) “Trump vs. the WTO” Axios 10.12.2019

30) “WTO chief: ‘Months’ needed to fix disputes body” BBC 10.12.2019

31) “UK’s post-Brexit trade at risk as WTO’s top court shuts down” The Guardian 11.12.2019

32) “Trump calls for World Bank to stop loaning to China” Reuters 7.12.2019

33) “Trump: EU is one of United States’ biggest foes” Politico 19.4.2019

34) “Trump dubs himself Israel’s ‘best pal’ in White House” Daily Sabah 8.12.2019

35) “The controversial US Jerusalem embassy opening, explained” Vox 16.5.2018

36) “Golan Heights: Trump signs order recognizing occupied area as Israeli” BBC 25.3.2019

37) “Netanyahu rebuffs US State Department denial he discussed annexation with Pompeo” The Times of Israel 8.12.2019

38) “Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Israel’s longest-serving leader” BBC 20.7.2019

39) “At home and abroad, Netanyahu faces backlash for far-right alliance” Reuters 24.2.2019

40) “Benjamin Netanyahu, best friend of the far right” Le Monde Diplomatique 13.9.2019

41) “Tillerson says Netanyahu skillfully ‘played’ Trump using misinformation” The Times of Israel 19.9.2019

42) “Netanyahu’s Facebook page suspended over hate speech” Independent 12.9.2019

43) “Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel PM defiant in face of ‘coup'” BBC 22.11.2019

44) “In Tel Aviv, Netanyahu die-hards stage an ominous display of fear and anger” The Times of Israel 27.11.2019

45) “ANALYSIS: If Boris Johnson is so popular, why are his handlers hiding him away?” PoliticsHome 31.7.2019

46) Margulies, Ben: “Understanding Boris Johnson’s appeal: performative rebelliousness, impishness, and indiscipline” LSE British Politics and Policy 1.8.2019

47) “Boris Johnson seeks to divide and conquer with his incendiary rhetoric” The Guardian 29.9.2019

48) “Boris Johnson branded ‘chauvinist’ and ‘racist’ after comments from old book resurface” Independent 24.9.2019

49) “Boris Johnson’s racist insults, dog whitles and slurs” New Statesman 12.6.2019

50) “15 of the worst things Boris Johnson has said about leaders or other countries” Independent 24.7.2019

51) “Campaigners attack Boris Johnson for EU nationals remarks” The Guardian 9.12.2019

52) “A ‘passionate Zionist'” Jerusalem Post 25.7.2019

53) “‘Morally empty’ Johnson is courting fascism, says peer as Tory crisis mounts” The Guardian 12.8.2018

54) The lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations of Boris Johnson and his government

55) “Boris Johnson wants to destroy the Britain I love. I cannot vote Conservative” The Guardian 11.12.2019

56) “Top British diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall quits with searing Brexit critique” CNN 7.12.2019

57) “Arlene Foster accuses PM of breaking his word over Brexit deal” The Guardian 9.12.2019

58) “Tories threaten Channel 4 after ice sculpture takes PM’s place in debate” The Guardian 28.11.2019

59) “Boris Johnson pulls out of another BBC interview on day before election” Independent 11.12.2019

60) “Boris Johnson avoids meeting with Trump during NATO gathering” NBC News 3.12.2019

61) “Donald Trump enjoyed meeting with Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street” Evening Standard 4.12.2019

62) “Netanyahu’s London trip to meet Pompeo said nixed after veto from UK officials” The Times of Israel 2.12.2019

63) “Netanyahu: US redeployment in Syria places Israel in better position” Israel Hayom 4.12.2019

64) “Three’s a crowd: 6 things to know for December 8” The Times of Israel 8.12.2019