Microbes that can digest plastics

Some interesting and positive news, for a change. Scientists have found microbes that can digest plastics in low temperature, in 15 degrees Celsius. Many found microorganisms can do the same but in higher temperature, in above 30 degrees Celsius. This new discovery could be an important breakthrough in microbial recycling.

Read the full story on The Guardian:


Warnings from World Meteorological Organization

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) published its State of Global Climate 2022 report today. According to the report, record levels of greenhouse gases have caused “planetary scale changes on land, in the ocean and in the atmosphere.” The report also shows that the past eight years have been the hottest ever recorded on Earth.

Read the full story on Al Jazeera:


Good and bad news regarding world oceans

Recently there have been some good and bad news regarding world oceans. At the beginning of this month member states of the United Nations finally agreed on a treaty to protect international waters (1). According to a recent study there is a “growing plastic smog” of more than 170 trillion particles floating in the world’s oceans – there has been a “rapid increase” of plastic particles in the oceans since 2005 (2). A new research stated that rapidly melting ice in the Antarctic “is dramatically slowing down the flow of water through the world’s oceans and could have a disastrous effect on global climate, the marine food chain, and even the stability of ice shelves” (3).

Read the full stories:

1) “High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN” The Guardian 5.3.2023


2) “Study shows ‘a growing plastic smog’ in the ocean of 171 trillion particles” The Hill 9.3.2023


3) “Rapidly melting Antarctic ice could affect oceans ‘for centuries’” Al Jazeera 30.3.2023


UN resolution regarding climate justice

The United Nations has adopted a historic resolution that should make it easier to hold polluting countries legally accountable when they fail to tackle the climate emergency. The resolution was co-sponsored by more than 120 countries, including the UK, but not the USA.

Read the full story on The Guardian:


Rising sea levels threaten “mass exodus on a biblical scale”

Sea levels are rising faster than for 3,000 years because of the climate crisis. António Guterres, secretary-general of the UN, warned that this may lead to “a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale”.

Read the full story on The Guardian:


“Monster profits” for energy giants

Last year the five largest western oil and gas companies – Exxon, Chevron, Shell, British Petroleum and TotalEnergies – made combined 200 billion dollars in profits, the year was the most profitable in their histories. President Biden said that the profits were “outrageous” and he criticized the companies for enriching the shareholders instead of helping to alleviate rising gasoline costs for drivers. António Guterres, secretary-general of the UN, also criticized the “monster profits” of the fossil fuel companies and said, “If you cannot set a credible course for net-zero [emissions], with 2025 and 2030 targets covering all your operations, you should not be in business. Your core product is our core problem. We need a renewables revolution, not a self-destructive fossil fuel resurgence.”

Read the full story on The Guardian:


“Perfect storm of crises” threatens humanity

International sustainability network Future Earth has published a report based on a survey that was conducted among over 200 leading scientists from 52 countries. According to the report, the world is facing series of interlinked emergencies. The combination of those crises creates a “perfect storm” that threatens humanity unless action is taken.

Read the full story on The Guardian:


Information about Future Earth:


Malaysia has started to send waste back

Malaysia has justifiably started to send waste back to the countries where it came from. Malaysian environment minister said that Malaysia doesn’t want to be “rubbish dumb of the world.”

Read the full story on Euronews.com:
