Katie Hopkins’ thoughts about “the best in people”

British poster-girl for far-right Katie Hopkins has tweeted an image that probably sums up her selective view of the humankind:


Forgot to add earlier, that Hopkins had planned a nationwide Stand Strong School Tour in British schools in order to talk about Brexit, racism and President Trump. However, majority of the schools that had initially been willing to take part to her tour pulled out (1, 2). Hopkins has still been able to visit some schools, for example two prestigious schools in London, Harrow School and Westminster School last month. (2, 3)


1) “Katie Hopkins visiting schools to teach kids about Brexit, racism and Donald Trump – but teachers ‘don’t want her'” Mirror 4.2.2018


2) “‘Funding threats’ force schools to cancel Katie Hopkins speaking tour” Shy Society 8.3.2018


3) Katie Hopkins on Twitter 17.1.2019
