USA and Israel leave UNESCO

The USA and Israel started this year of historical separations by officially leaving UNESCO. The Trump administration and the Israeli government made the decision in 2017 because of “anti-Israeli bias” of the UN agency (1, 2).

On the other hand, it was also reported that Israel was the most condemned country at the United Nations during year 2018. The United Nations General Assembly passed 20 resolutions against Israel because of Israel’s human rights violations, illegitimate construction in Palestinian territory and ongoing occupation of Jerusalem (3, 4).


1) “US and Israel formally quit UNESCO” Al Jazeera 1.1.2019

2) “US, Israel leave UNESCO for good” Euractiv 13.10.2017

3) “Israel was the most condemned country at the United Nations in 2018” EurAsian Times 1.1.2019

4) “Israel most condemned country at UN in 2018” Middle East Monitor 31.12.2018